Paper Mario DX
Paper Mario (N64) modding
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gdb is a debugger that allows inspecting programs while they're running, tracing execution, placing breakpoints, stepping through code, and editing memory.

To use gdb, you'll need gdb-multiarch, a gdb server and a gdb client.

Installing gdb-multiarch

gdb server

The ares emulator has had gdb support for N64 since v134.

To enable ares' gdb server, go to Settings > Debug and check Enabled.

The following message will appear at the bottom of the ares window: GDB pending ([::1]:9123)

gdb client

Make sure the gdb server is running. Then:

  • VSCode: Open a C file and press F5. More...
  • Terminal: Start gdb-multiarch and enter target remote [::1]:9123. More...


TODO: migrate overlay support to dx

This page was adapted from Dragorn421's oot gdb tutorial.

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