5#include "sprite/player.h"
8#define NAMESPACE battle_item_pebble
15#include "battle/move/item/pebble.png.h"
"battle/move/item/pebble.png", battle_item_pebble_png);
"battle/move/item/pebble.pal", battle_item_pebble_pal);
20 { .v = { { -16, -16, 0 }, FALSE, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 255 } } },
21 { .v = { { 15, -16, 0 }, FALSE, { 1024, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 255 } } },
22 { .v = { { 15, 15, 0 }, FALSE, { 1024, 1024 }, { 0, 0, 0, 255 } } },
23 { .v = { { -16, 15, 0 }, FALSE, { 0, 1024 }, { 0, 0, 0, 255 } } },
26Gfx N(displayList)[] = {
28 gsSPTexture(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0, G_TX_RENDERTILE, G_ON),
30 gsDPSetTexturePersp(G_TP_PERSP),
31 gsDPSetTextureDetail(G_TD_CLAMP),
32 gsDPSetTextureLOD(G_TL_TILE),
33 gsDPSetTextureLUT(G_TT_NONE),
34 gsDPSetTextureFilter(G_TF_AVERAGE),
35 gsDPSetTextureConvert(G_TC_FILT),
36 gsDPSetTextureLUT(G_TT_RGBA16),
37 gsDPLoadTLUT_pal16(0, N(pal)),
38 gsDPLoadTextureTile_4b(N(png), G_IM_FMT_CI, battle_item_pebble_png_width, battle_item_pebble_png_height, 0, 0, battle_item_pebble_png_width - 1, battle_item_pebble_png_height - 1, 0, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_NOMIRROR | G_TX_WRAP, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOMASK, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD),
39 gsSPClearGeometryMode(G_LIGHTING),
40 gsSPClearGeometryMode(G_SHADING_SMOOTH),
42 gsSP1Triangle(0, 1, 2, 0),
43 gsSP1Triangle(0, 2, 3, 0),
54 Call(MoveBattleCamOver, 15)
71 Call(InitTargetIterator)
#define STANDARD_ENTITY_MODEL_SCRIPT(gfx, renderMode)
ApiStatus PlaySound(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus CreateVirtualEntity(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus SetVirtualEntityPosition(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus SetVirtualEntityJumpGravity(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus SetVirtualEntityScale(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus DeleteVirtualEntity(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus GetItemPower(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus VirtualEntityJumpTo(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus SetVirtualEntityRotation(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
#define Ref(sym)
Address/pointer constant.
#define Set(VAR, INT_VALUE)
Sets the given variable to a given value casted to an integer.
#define End
Signals the end of EVT script data. A script missing this will likely crash on load.
#define Add(VAR, INT_VALUE)
#define EndLoop
Marks the end of a loop.
#define ExecWait(EVT_SOURCE)
Launches a new child thread.
#define Thread
Marks the start of a thread block.
#define EndThread
Marks the end of a thread block.
#define SetF(VAR, FLOAT_VALUE)
Sets the given variable to a given value, but supports Floats.
#define Wait(NUM_FRAMES)
Blocks for the given number of frames.
#define Call(FUNC, ARGS...)
Calls a given C EVT API function with any number of arguments.
#define Loop(TIMES)
Marks the beginning of a loop.
#define SetConst(VAR, CONST)
Sets the given variable to a given value, skipping the evt_get_variable call.
#define Return
Kills the current EVT thread.