Paper Mario DX
Paper Mario (N64) modding
No Matches
Bug List
Global appendGfx_background_texture (void)

xh = 2 * bgXOffset + (bgMinX - 1) * 4

xh = 2 * bgXOffset + (bgMinX - 1) * 4

Global calc_enemy_damage_target (Actor *attacker)
? repeated paralyze and dizzy infliction
Global func_80263064 (Actor *actor, Actor *targetActor, b32 unused)
part list position is not advanced, all further loop iterations will be stuck here
Global gfx_draw_background (void)

In 1-cycle mode, the two combiner cycles should be identical. Using Texel1 here in the second cycle, which is the actual cycle of the combiner used on hardware in 1-cycle mode, actually samples the next pixel's texel value instead of the current pixel's. This results in a one-pixel offset.

Due to the previous issue with the incorrect second cycle combiner, the devs added a 1-pixel offset to texture coordinates in this texrect to compensate for the combiner error.

Global kkj_maps []
There are two entries for kkj_26; the latter is unreachable.
Global npc_render_with_double_pal_blending (Npc *npc, s32 yaw, Matrix4f mtx)
? should this be index 3?
Global partner_get_out (Npc *)
? collider flags not properly masked with COLLIDER_FLAG_SURFACE_TYPE
Global SentinelAI_Descend (Evt *script, MobileAISettings *aiSettings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory)
need to use real sound id, not environmental sound id