Paper Mario DX
Paper Mario (N64) modding
No Matches
npc.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  QuizRequirement
struct  NpcBlueprint
struct  MobileAISettings
struct  GuardAISettings
struct  FireBarAISettings
struct  FireBarData
struct  NpcSettings
struct  ItemDrop
struct  StatDrop
 Describes heart/flower drop chances after defeating an Npc in the overworld. More...
struct  EnemyDrops
struct  EnemyDetectVolume
struct  EnemyTerritoryWander
struct  EnemyTerritoryPatrol
union  EnemyTerritory
union  NpcInitialVars
struct  NpcData
struct  NpcGroup
 Zero-terminated. More...
struct  Enemy
struct  Encounter
struct  FieldStatus
struct  EncounterStatus
struct  NpcData.animations
union  Enemy.__unnamed54__


#define NPC_GROUP(args...)   VFUNC(NPC_GROUP, args)
#define NPC_GROUP1(npcs)   { sizeof(npcs) / sizeof(NpcData), (NpcData*) &npcs, 0, 0 }
#define NPC_GROUP2(npcs, battle)   { sizeof(npcs) / sizeof(NpcData), (NpcData*) &npcs, battle, 0 }
#define NPC_GROUP3(npcs, battle, stage)   { sizeof(npcs) / sizeof(NpcData), (NpcData*) &npcs, battle, stage + 1 }
#define NPC_GROUP_EXPLICIT_SIZE3(npcs, start, count)   { count, (NpcData*) &npcs[start], 0, 0 }
#define NPC_GROUP_EXPLICIT_SIZE4(npcs, start, count, battle)   { count, (NpcData*) &npcs[start], battle, 0 }
#define NPC_GROUP_EXPLICIT_SIZE5(npcs, start, count, battle, stage)   { count, (NpcData*) &npcs[start], battle, stage + 1 }
#define NO_DROPS
#define STANDARD_HEART_DROPS(attempts)
#define GENEROUS_HEART_DROPS(attempts)
#define STANDARD_FLOWER_DROPS(attempts)
#define REDUCED_FLOWER_DROPS(attempts)
#define OVERRIDE_MOVEMENT_SPEED(speed)   ((s32)(speed * 32767))


typedef void(* FireBarCallback) (struct FireBarData *, s32)
typedef NpcGroup NpcGroupList[]
typedef void AIStateHandler(Evt *script, MobileAISettings *settings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory)


enum  TerritoryShape { SHAPE_CYLINDER , SHAPE_RECT }


s32 basic_ai_check_player_dist (EnemyDetectVolume *arg0, Enemy *arg1, f32 arg2, f32 arg3, b8 arg4)
void STUB_npc_callback (Npc *)
 The default Npc::onUpdate and Npc::onRender callback.
void mtx_ident_mirror_y (Matrix4f mtx)
void clear_npcs (void)
void init_npc_list (void)
 Points the current NPC list to the world or battle lists depending on game state.
s32 create_npc_impl (NpcBlueprint *blueprint, AnimID *animList, s32 skipLoadingAnims)
s32 create_basic_npc (NpcBlueprint *blueprint)
s32 create_standard_npc (NpcBlueprint *blueprint, AnimID *animList)
s32 create_peach_npc (NpcBlueprint *blueprint)
void free_npc_by_index (s32 listIndex)
void free_npc (Npc *npc)
Npcget_npc_by_index (s32 listIndex)
void npc_do_world_collision (Npc *npc)
void npc_do_other_npc_collision (Npc *npc)
s32 npc_do_player_collision (Npc *npc)
void npc_try_apply_gravity (Npc *npc)
s32 npc_try_snap_to_ground (Npc *npc, f32 velocity)
void update_npcs (void)
 Updates all NPCs.
f32 npc_get_render_yaw (Npc *npc)
void appendGfx_npc (void *data)
void render_npcs (void)
 Renders all NPCs.
void npc_move_heading (Npc *npc, f32 speed, f32 yaw)
Npcget_npc_unsafe (s32 npcID)
Npcget_npc_safe (s32 npcID)
void enable_npc_shadow (Npc *npc)
void disable_npc_shadow (Npc *npc)
void update_npc_blur (Npc *npc)
void appendGfx_npc_blur (void *npc)
void npc_enable_collisions (void)
void npc_disable_collisions (void)
void func_8003B1A8 (void)
void npc_reload_all (void)
void set_npc_yaw (Npc *npc, f32 yaw)
void npc_set_palswap_mode_A (Npc *npc, s32 arg1)
void npc_set_palswap_mode_B (Npc *npc, s32 arg1)
void npc_revert_palswap_mode (Npc *npc)
void npc_set_palswap_1 (Npc *npc, s32 palIndexA, s32 palIndexB, s32 timeHoldA, s32 timeAB)
void npc_set_palswap_2 (Npc *npc, s32 timeHoldB, s32 timeBA, s32 palIndexC, s32 palIndexD)
void npc_draw_with_palswap (Npc *npc, s32 arg1, Matrix4f mtx)
void npc_render_without_adjusted_palettes (Npc *npc, s32 arg1, Matrix4f mtx)
s32 npc_render_with_watt_idle_palettes (Npc *, s32, Matrix4f mtx)
u16 npc_blend_palette_colors (u16 colorA, u16 colorB, s32 lerpAlpha)
s32 npc_render_with_single_pal_blending (Npc *, s32, s32, Matrix4f mtx)
s32 npc_render_with_double_pal_blending (Npc *, s32, Matrix4f mtx)
void npc_set_decoration (Npc *npc, s32 idx, s32 decorationType)
void npc_remove_decoration (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
s32 npc_update_decorations (Npc *npc)
void npc_reset_current_decoration (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_update_decoration_none (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_remove_decoration_none (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_update_decoration_bowser_aura (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_remove_decoration_bowser_aura (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_update_decoration_sweat (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_remove_decoration_sweat (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_update_decoration_seeing_stars (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_remove_decoration_seeing_stars (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_update_decoration_glow_in_front (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_remove_decoration_glow_in_front (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_update_decoration_glow_behind (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_remove_decoration_glow_behind (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_update_decoration_charged (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
void npc_remove_decoration_charged (Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Npcnpc_find_closest (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 radius)
 Finds the closest NPC to a given point within a radius.
Npcnpc_find_closest_simple (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 radius)
 Finds the closest simple-hitbox NPC to a given point within a radius.
s32 npc_get_collider_below (Npc *npc)
void npc_imgfx_update (Npc *npc)
void npc_set_imgfx_params (Npc *npc, s32 arg1, s32 arg2, s32 arg3, s32 arg4, s32 arg5, s32 arg6)
void npc_surface_spawn_fx (Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
void spawn_default_surface_effects (Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
void spawn_flower_surface_effects (Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
void spawn_cloud_surface_effects (Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
void spawn_snow_surface_effects (Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
void spawn_hedge_surface_effects (Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
void spawn_water_surface_effects (Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
void COPY_set_defeated (s32 mapID, s32 encounterID)
 Duplicate of set_defeated().
void init_encounter_status (void)
void clear_encounter_status (void)
void func_8003E50C (void)
void func_8003E514 (s8 arg0)
void update_encounters (void)
void draw_encounter_ui (void)
void draw_first_strike_ui (void)
void npc_render_worker_do_nothing (void)
void make_npcs (s32 flags, s32 mapID, s32 *npcGroupList)
s32 kill_encounter (Enemy *enemy)
void kill_enemy (Enemy *enemy)
s32 bind_enemy_ai (Enemy *enemy, EvtScript *aiScriptBytecode)
 Binds the specified ai script to the specified enemy.
s32 bind_enemy_aux (Enemy *enemy, EvtScript *auxScriptBytecode)
 Binds the specified auxillary script to the specified enemy.
s32 bind_enemy_interact (Enemy *enemy, EvtScript *interactScriptBytecode)
 Binds the specified interact script to the specified enemy.
void bind_npc_ai (s32 npcID, EvtScript *npcAiBytecode)
 Binds the specified ai script to the npc matching the specified npcId.
void bind_npc_aux (s32 npcID, EvtScript *npcAuxBytecode)
 Binds the specified auxillary script to the npc matching the specified npcId.
void bind_npc_interact (s32 npcID, EvtScript *npcInteractBytecode)
 Binds the specified interact script to the npc matching the specified npcId.
Enemyget_enemy (s32 npcID)
 Looks for an enemy matching the specified npcID.
Enemyget_enemy_safe (s32 npcID)
 Same as get_enemy(), with the exception of always returning a value if an enemy is not found.
void set_npc_sprite (Npc *npc, s32 anim, AnimID *extraAnimList)


EncounterStatus gCurrentEncounter

Data Structure Documentation

◆ QuizRequirement

struct QuizRequirement
Data Fields
s32 requiredStoryProgress
s32 numQuestionsUnlocked

◆ MobileAISettings

struct MobileAISettings
Data Fields
f32 moveSpeed
s32 moveTime
s32 waitTime
f32 alertRadius
f32 alertOffsetDist
s32 playerSearchInterval
f32 chaseSpeed
s32 chaseTurnRate
s32 chaseUpdateInterval
f32 chaseRadius
f32 chaseOffsetDist
s32 unk_AI_2C

◆ GuardAISettings

struct GuardAISettings
Data Fields
f32 alertRadius
f32 alertOffsetDist
s32 playerSearchInterval
f32 chaseSpeed
s32 chaseTurnRate
s32 chaseUpdateInterval
f32 chaseRadius
f32 chaseOffsetDist
s32 unk_AI_20

◆ FireBarAISettings

struct FireBarAISettings
Data Fields
Vec3i centerPos
s32 rotRate
s32 firstNpc
s32 npcCount
FireBarCallback callback

◆ FireBarData

struct FireBarData
Data Fields
s32 flags
Vec3f centerPos
f32 rotRate
s32 firstNpc
s32 npcCount
FireBarCallback callback
s32 soundIndex
f32 lastDeltaYaw
f32 yaw
FireBarAISettings * settings

◆ NpcSettings

struct NpcSettings
Data Fields
AnimID defaultAnim
s16 height
s16 radius
void * otherAI
EvtScript * onInteract
EvtScript * ai
EvtScript * onHit
EvtScript * aux
EvtScript * onDefeat
s32 flags
s32 unk_24
s16 level
s16 actionFlags

◆ ItemDrop

struct ItemDrop
Data Fields
s16 item
s16 weight
s16 flagIdx

◆ StatDrop

struct StatDrop
Data Fields
s16 cutoff % of max HP/FP. If current HP/FP > cutoff, no hearts/flowers can be dropped.
s16 generalChance % chance for any hearts/flowers to be dropped at all from this StatDrop.
s16 attempts Maximum number of hearts/flowers that can be dropped from this StatDrop.
s16 chancePerAttempt % chance for a single heart/flower to be dropped from each attempt.

◆ EnemyDrops

struct EnemyDrops
Data Fields
u8 dropFlags
u8 itemDropChance
ItemDrop itemDrops[8]
StatDrop heartDrops[8]
StatDrop flowerDrops[8]
s16 minCoinBonus
s16 maxCoinBonus
char unk_DE[2]

◆ EnemyDetectVolume

struct EnemyDetectVolume
Data Fields
s32 skipPlayerDetectChance
enum TerritoryShape shape
s32 pointX
s32 pointZ
s32 sizeX
s32 sizeZ
f32 halfHeight
s16 detectFlags

◆ EnemyTerritoryWander

struct EnemyTerritoryWander
Data Fields
Vec3i centerPos
VecXZi wanderSize
s32 moveSpeedOverride
enum TerritoryShape wanderShape
Vec3i detectPos
VecXZi detectSize
enum TerritoryShape detectShape
b32 isFlying

◆ EnemyTerritoryPatrol

struct EnemyTerritoryPatrol
Data Fields
s32 numPoints
Vec3i points[10]
s32 moveSpeedOverride
Vec3i detectPos
VecXZi detectSize
enum TerritoryShape detectShape
b32 isFlying

◆ EnemyTerritory

union EnemyTerritory
Data Fields
EnemyTerritoryWander wander
EnemyTerritoryPatrol patrol
char PADDING[0xC0]

◆ NpcInitialVars

union NpcInitialVars
Data Fields
s32 value
s8 bytes[4]
s32 * array

◆ NpcData

struct NpcData
Data Fields
s32 id
NpcSettings * settings
Vec3f pos
s32 flags
EvtScript * init
s32 initVarCount
NpcInitialVars initVar
s32 yaw
EnemyDrops drops
EnemyTerritory territory
struct NpcData.animations animations
s8 unk__1E0
s8 unk__1E1
s8 unk__1E2
u8 aiDetectFlags
u32 aiFlags
AnimID * extraAnimations
s32 tattle

◆ NpcGroup

struct NpcGroup
Data Fields
s32 npcCount
NpcData * npcs
s16 battle
s16 stage

◆ Enemy

struct Enemy
Data Fields
s32 flags
s8 encounterIndex
s8 encountered
u8 scriptGroup
s8 hitboxIsActive
s16 npcID
s16 spawnPos[3]
Vec3s unk_10
char unk_16[2]
NpcSettings * npcSettings
EvtScript * initBytecode
EvtScript * interactBytecode
EvtScript * aiBytecode
EvtScript * hitBytecode
EvtScript * auxBytecode
EvtScript * defeatBytecode
struct Evt * initScript
struct Evt * interactScript
struct Evt * aiScript
struct Evt * hitScript
struct Evt * auxScript
struct Evt * defeatScript
s32 initScriptID
s32 interactScriptID
s32 aiScriptID
s32 hitScriptID
s32 auxScriptID
s32 defeatScriptID
void * unk_64
char unk_68[4]
union Enemy.__unnamed54__ __unnamed__
u8 aiDetectFlags
char unk_AD[3]
u32 aiFlags
s8 aiSuspendTime
s8 instigatorValue
char unk_B6[2]
EvtScript * unk_B8
struct Evt * unk_BC
s32 unk_C0
s32 unk_C4
s32 unk_C8
s32 * animList
EnemyTerritory * territory
EnemyDrops * drops
u32 tattleMsg
s32 unk_DC
s16 savedNpcYaw
char unk_E2[6]

◆ Encounter

struct Encounter
Data Fields
s32 count
Enemy * enemy[16]
s16 battle
s16 stage
s16 encounterID
char unk_4C[2]

◆ FieldStatus

struct FieldStatus
Data Fields
s8 status
char pad_01
s16 duration

◆ EncounterStatus

struct EncounterStatus
Data Fields
s32 flags
s8 firstStrikeType
s8 hitType
s8 hitTier
char unk_07
s8 unk_08
s8 battleOutcome
s8 battleTriggerCooldown set to 15 after victory, 45 after fleeing
b8 hasMerleeCoinBonus
u8 damageTaken
char unk_0D
s16 coinsEarned
s8 instigatorValue
s8 forbidFleeing
s8 scriptedBattle battle started by StartBattle but not by encounter
s8 dropWhackaBump
s32 songID
s32 unk_18
s8 numEncounters
s8 curAreaIndex
u8 curMapIndex
u8 curEntryIndex
s8 mapID
s8 resetMapEncounterFlags
char unk_22[2]
s32 * npcGroupList
Encounter * encounterList[24]
Encounter * curEncounter
Enemy * curEnemy
s32 fadeOutAmount
s32 substateDelay
s32 fadeOutAccel
s32 battleStartCountdown
FieldStatus dizzyAttack
FieldStatus unusedAttack1
FieldStatus unusedAttack2
FieldStatus unusedAttack3
s32 defeatFlags[60][12]
s16 recentMaps[2]

◆ NpcData.animations

struct NpcData.animations
Data Fields
s32 idle
s32 walk
s32 run
s32 chase
s32 anim_4
s32 anim_5
s32 death
s32 hit
s32 anim_8
s32 anim_9
s32 anim_A
s32 anim_B
s32 anim_C
s32 anim_D
s32 anim_E
s32 anim_F

◆ Enemy.__unnamed54__

union Enemy.__unnamed54__
Data Fields
s32 varTable[16]
f32 varTableF[16]
void * varTablePtr[16]

Macro Definition Documentation


#define NPC_GROUP ( args...)    VFUNC(NPC_GROUP, args)

Definition at line 13 of file npc.h.


#define NPC_GROUP1 ( npcs)    { sizeof(npcs) / sizeof(NpcData), (NpcData*) &npcs, 0, 0 }

Definition at line 14 of file npc.h.


#define NPC_GROUP2 ( npcs,
battle )   { sizeof(npcs) / sizeof(NpcData), (NpcData*) &npcs, battle, 0 }

Definition at line 15 of file npc.h.


#define NPC_GROUP3 ( npcs,
stage )   { sizeof(npcs) / sizeof(NpcData), (NpcData*) &npcs, battle, stage + 1 }

Definition at line 16 of file npc.h.



Definition at line 18 of file npc.h.


#define NPC_GROUP_EXPLICIT_SIZE3 ( npcs,
count )   { count, (NpcData*) &npcs[start], 0, 0 }

Definition at line 19 of file npc.h.


#define NPC_GROUP_EXPLICIT_SIZE4 ( npcs,
battle )   { count, (NpcData*) &npcs[start], battle, 0 }

Definition at line 20 of file npc.h.


#define NPC_GROUP_EXPLICIT_SIZE5 ( npcs,
stage )   { count, (NpcData*) &npcs[start], battle, stage + 1 }

Definition at line 21 of file npc.h.


#define NO_DROPS
{ \
.dropFlags = NPC_DROP_FLAG_80, \
.heartDrops = { { F16(100), F16(0), 0, F16(0) } }, \
.flowerDrops = { { F16(100), F16(0), 0, F16(0) } }, \
Definition enums.h:5089
#define F16(f)
Fixed-point short literal.
Definition macros.h:171

Definition at line 23 of file npc.h.

23#define NO_DROPS { \
24 .dropFlags = NPC_DROP_FLAG_80, \
25 .heartDrops = { { F16(100), F16(0), 0, F16(0) } }, \
26 .flowerDrops = { { F16(100), F16(0), 0, F16(0) } }, \


#define STANDARD_HEART_DROPS ( attempts)
{ \
{ F16(20), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \
{ F16(30), F16(60), attempts, F16(50) }, \
{ F16(50), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(30) }, \

Definition at line 29 of file npc.h.

29#define STANDARD_HEART_DROPS(attempts) { \
30 { F16(20), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \
31 { F16(30), F16(60), attempts, F16(50) }, \
32 { F16(50), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \
33 { F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
34 { F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(30) }, \


#define GENEROUS_HEART_DROPS ( attempts)
{ \
{ F16(20), F16(80), attempts, F16(50) }, \
{ F16(30), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \
{ F16(50), F16(60), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(80), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(100), F16(40), attempts, F16(30) }, \

Definition at line 37 of file npc.h.

37#define GENEROUS_HEART_DROPS(attempts) { \
38 { F16(20), F16(80), attempts, F16(50) }, \
39 { F16(30), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \
40 { F16(50), F16(60), attempts, F16(40) }, \
41 { F16(80), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \
42 { F16(100), F16(40), attempts, F16(30) }, \


{ \
{ F16(20), F16(80), attempts, F16(60) }, \
{ F16(30), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \
{ F16(50), F16(60), attempts, F16(50) }, \
{ F16(80), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(30) }, \

Definition at line 45 of file npc.h.

45#define GENEROUS_WHEN_LOW_HEART_DROPS(attempts) { \
46 { F16(20), F16(80), attempts, F16(60) }, \
47 { F16(30), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \
48 { F16(50), F16(60), attempts, F16(50) }, \
49 { F16(80), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \
50 { F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(30) }, \


#define STANDARD_FLOWER_DROPS ( attempts)
{ \
{ F16(20), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(30), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(50), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(40) }, \

Definition at line 53 of file npc.h.

53#define STANDARD_FLOWER_DROPS(attempts) { \
54 { F16(20), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \
55 { F16(30), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
56 { F16(50), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
57 { F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
58 { F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(40) }, \


{ \
{ F16(20), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \
{ F16(30), F16(60), attempts, F16(50) }, \
{ F16(50), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(40) }, \

Definition at line 61 of file npc.h.

61#define GENEROUS_WHEN_LOW_FLOWER_DROPS(attempts) { \
62 { F16(20), F16(70), attempts, F16(50) }, \
63 { F16(30), F16(60), attempts, F16(50) }, \
64 { F16(50), F16(50), attempts, F16(40) }, \
65 { F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
66 { F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(40) }, \


#define REDUCED_FLOWER_DROPS ( attempts)
{ \
{ F16(20), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(30), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(50), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
{ F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(40) }, \

Definition at line 69 of file npc.h.

69#define REDUCED_FLOWER_DROPS(attempts) { \
70 { F16(20), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
71 { F16(30), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
72 { F16(50), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
73 { F16(80), F16(40), attempts, F16(40) }, \
74 { F16(100), F16(30), attempts, F16(40) }, \


#define OVERRIDE_MOVEMENT_SPEED ( speed)    ((s32)(speed * 32767))

Definition at line 77 of file npc.h.



Definition at line 78 of file npc.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ FireBarCallback

typedef void(* FireBarCallback) (struct FireBarData *, s32)

Definition at line 120 of file npc.h.

◆ NpcGroupList

typedef NpcGroup NpcGroupList[]

Definition at line 289 of file npc.h.

◆ AIStateHandler

typedef void AIStateHandler(Evt *script, MobileAISettings *settings, EnemyDetectVolume *territory)

Definition at line 292 of file npc.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TerritoryShape


Definition at line 197 of file npc.h.

Definition npc.h:197
Definition npc.h:197

Function Documentation

◆ basic_ai_check_player_dist()

s32 basic_ai_check_player_dist ( EnemyDetectVolume * arg0,
Enemy * arg1,
f32 arg2,
f32 arg3,
b8 arg4 )

Definition at line 429 of file 23680.c.

429 {
430 Npc* npc = get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID);
431 PlayerStatus* playerStatus = &gPlayerStatus;
432 PartnerStatus* partnerStatus;
433 f32 x, y, z;
434 f32 dist;
435 s32 skipCheckForPlayer;
437 if (enemy->aiFlags & AI_FLAG_CANT_DETECT_PLAYER) {
438 return FALSE;
439 }
441 partnerStatus = &gPartnerStatus;
442 if (partnerStatus->actingPartner == PARTNER_BOW && partnerStatus->partnerActionState
443 && !(territory->detectFlags & AI_TERRITORY_IGNORE_HIDING)) {
444 return FALSE;
445 }
447 if (partnerStatus->actingPartner == PARTNER_SUSHIE && partnerStatus->partnerActionState
448 && !(territory->detectFlags & AI_TERRITORY_IGNORE_HIDING)) {
449 return FALSE;
450 }
452 if (territory->skipPlayerDetectChance < 0) {
453 return FALSE;
454 }
456 if (territory->halfHeight <= fabsf(npc->pos.y - playerStatus->pos.y)
457 && !(territory->detectFlags & AI_TERRITORY_IGNORE_ELEVATION)) {
458 return FALSE;
459 }
461 if (territory->sizeX | territory->sizeZ && is_point_outside_territory(territory->shape,
462 territory->pointX, territory->pointZ,
463 playerStatus->pos.x, playerStatus->pos.z,
464 territory->sizeX, territory->sizeZ)) {
465 return FALSE;
466 }
468 if ((playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_USE_SPINNING_FLOWER)) {
469 return FALSE;
470 }
472 // check for unbroken line of sight
473 if (enemy->aiDetectFlags & AI_DETECT_SIGHT) {
474 x = npc->pos.x;
475 y = npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight * 0.5;
476 z = npc->pos.z;
477 dist = dist2D(npc->pos.x, npc->pos.z, playerStatus->pos.x, playerStatus->pos.z);
479 &x, &y, &z,
480 dist, atan2(npc->pos.x, npc->pos.z, playerStatus->pos.x, playerStatus->pos.z),
481 0.1f, 0.1f)) {
482 return FALSE;
483 }
484 }
486 if (territory->skipPlayerDetectChance == 0) {
487 skipCheckForPlayer = 0;
488 } else {
489 skipCheckForPlayer = rand_int(territory->skipPlayerDetectChance + 1);
490 }
492 if (skipCheckForPlayer == 0) {
493 if (enemy->aiDetectFlags & AI_DETECT_SENSITIVE_MOTION) {
494 if (playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_WALK) {
495 radius *= 1.15;
496 } else if (playerStatus->actionState == ACTION_STATE_RUN) {
497 radius *= 1.3;
498 }
499 }
500 x = npc->pos.x;
501 z = npc->pos.z;
502 if (useWorldYaw & 0xFF) {
503 add_vec2D_polar(&x, &z, fwdPosOffset, npc->yaw);
504 } else {
505 add_vec2D_polar(&x, &z, fwdPosOffset, 270.0f - npc->renderYaw);
506 }
507 if (dist2D(x, z, playerStatus->pos.x, playerStatus->pos.z) <= radius) {
508 return TRUE;
509 }
510 }
512 return FALSE;
b32 is_point_outside_territory(s32 shape, f32 centerX, f32 centerZ, f32 pointX, f32 pointZ, f32 sizeX, f32 sizeZ)
Definition 23680.c:412
#define rand_int
#define atan2
Definition enums.h:4621
Definition enums.h:4622
Definition enums.h:4570
Definition enums.h:4696
Definition enums.h:4698
Definition enums.h:4627
Definition enums.h:4628
Definition enums.h:2894
Definition enums.h:2892
Definition enums.h:2457
Definition enums.h:2427
Definition enums.h:2428
f32 fabsf(f32 f)
f32 dist2D(f32 ax, f32 ay, f32 bx, f32 by)
Definition 43F0.c:670
b32 npc_test_move_simple_with_slipping(s32, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32, f32, f32)
void add_vec2D_polar(f32 *x, f32 *y, f32 r, f32 theta)
Definition 43F0.c:685
Npc * get_npc_unsafe(s32 npcID)
Definition npc.c:995
f32 renderYaw
s16 collisionHeight
Vec3f pos
PartnerStatus gPartnerStatus
Definition partners.c:42
PlayerStatus gPlayerStatus
Definition 77480.c:39

Referenced by AvoidPlayerAI_Chase(), AvoidPlayerAI_ChaseInit(), basic_ai_chase(), basic_ai_loiter(), basic_ai_wander(), CleftAI_FindPlayer(), CleftAI_Hiding(), CleftAI_ReturnHome(), ClubbaNappingAI_Loiter(), ClubbaNappingAI_ReturnHome(), ClubbaNappingAI_Sleep(), FlyingAI_Loiter(), FlyingAI_Wander(), FlyingNoAttackAI_13(), GuardAI_Chase(), GuardAI_Idle(), GuardAI_ReturnHome(), HoppingAI_Chase(), HoppingAI_Hop(), HoppingAI_Loiter(), LakituAI_Loiter(), LakituAI_Wander(), MagikoopaAI_CanShootSpell(), PatrolAI_Chase(), PatrolAI_Loiter(), PatrolAI_Move(), PiranhaPlantAI_01(), PiranhaPlantAI_LosePlayer(), SentinelAI_Chase(), SentinelAI_Descend(), SentinelAI_ReturnHome(), and UnkNpcAIFunc48().

◆ STUB_npc_callback()

void STUB_npc_callback ( Npc * npc)

The default Npc::onUpdate and Npc::onRender callback.

Definition at line 49 of file npc.c.

49 {

Referenced by create_npc_impl().

◆ mtx_ident_mirror_y()

void mtx_ident_mirror_y ( Matrix4f mtx)

Definition at line 52 of file npc.c.

52 {
53 guMtxIdentF(mtx);
54 mtx[0][0] = 1.0f;
55 mtx[1][1] = -1.0f;
56 mtx[2][2] = 1.0f;
57 mtx[3][3] = 1.0f;

Referenced by appendGfx_npc().

◆ clear_npcs()

void clear_npcs ( void )

Definition at line 60 of file npc.c.

60 {
61 s32 i;
64 gCurrentNpcListPtr = &gWorldNpcList;
65 } else {
66 gCurrentNpcListPtr = &gBattleNpcList;
67 }
69 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPCS; i++) {
70 (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i] = NULL;
71 }
73 gNpcCount = 0;
74 gNpcPlayerCollisionsEnabled = TRUE;
Definition enums.h:3529
s16 gNpcCount
Definition npc.c:10
#define MAX_NPCS
Definition macros.h:91
GameStatus * gGameStatusPtr
Definition main_loop.c:32

Referenced by load_demo_battle(), load_engine_data(), load_map_by_IDs(), state_init_logos(), state_init_title_screen(), state_step_battle(), state_step_demo(), state_step_intro(), state_step_pause(), state_step_startup(), and state_step_title_screen().

◆ init_npc_list()

void init_npc_list ( void )

Points the current NPC list to the world or battle lists depending on game state.

Definition at line 77 of file npc.c.

77 {
79 gCurrentNpcListPtr = &gWorldNpcList;
80 } else {
81 gCurrentNpcListPtr = &gBattleNpcList;
82 }
84 gNpcCount = 0;
85 gNpcPlayerCollisionsEnabled = TRUE;

Referenced by state_step_end_battle(), and state_step_unpause().

◆ create_npc_impl()

s32 create_npc_impl ( NpcBlueprint * blueprint,
AnimID * animList,
s32 skipLoadingAnims )

Definition at line 88 of file npc.c.

88 {
89 Npc* npc;
90 s32 i;
91 s32 j;
93 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPCS; i++) {
94 if ((*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i] == NULL) {
95 break;
96 }
97 }
100 (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i] = npc = heap_malloc(sizeof(*npc));
101 gNpcCount++;
102 ASSERT(npc != NULL);
105 if (isPeachNpc) {
107 }
109 npc->collisionDiameter = 32;
110 npc->collisionHeight = 64;
111 npc->renderMode = 13;
112 npc->blur.any = NULL;
113 npc->yaw = 0.0f;
114 npc->jumpVel = 0.0f;
115 npc->pos.x = 0.0f;
116 npc->pos.y = 0.0f;
117 npc->pos.z = 0.0f;
118 npc->colliderPos.x = 0.0f;
119 npc->colliderPos.y = 0.0f;
120 npc->colliderPos.z = 0.0f;
121 npc->rotPivotOffsetY = 0.0f;
122 npc->rot.x = 0.0f;
123 npc->rot.y = 0.0f;
124 npc->rot.z = 0.0f;
125 npc->homePos.x = 0.0f;
126 npc->homePos.y = 0.0f;
127 npc->homePos.z = 0.0f;
128 npc->unk_96 = 0; // TODO: fix
129 npc->verticalRenderOffset = 0;
130 npc->alpha = 255;
131 npc->hideAlpha = 255;
132 npc->jumpScale = 1.0f;
133 npc->moveSpeed = 4.0f;
134 npc->scale.x = 1.0f;
135 npc->scale.y = 1.0f;
136 npc->scale.z = 1.0f;
137 npc->curAnim = blueprint->initialAnim;
138 npc->animationSpeed = 1.0f;
139 npc->renderYaw = 0.0f;
140 npc->imgfxType = IMGFX_CLEAR;
141 npc->imgfxFlags = 0;
143 npc->isFacingAway = FALSE;
144 npc->yawCamOffset = 0;
146 npc->curFloor = NO_COLLIDER;
147 npc->curWall = NO_COLLIDER;
150 npc->screenSpaceOffset2D[0] = 0.0f;
151 npc->screenSpaceOffset2D[1] = 0.0f;
152 npc->verticalStretch = 1.0f;
154 for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_COUNT(npc->decorations); j++) {
155 npc->decorations[j] = 0;
156 npc->decorationType[j] = 0;
157 }
159 npc->onUpdate = blueprint->onUpdate;
160 if (npc->onUpdate == NULL) {
162 }
164 npc->onRender = blueprint->onRender;
165 if (npc->onRender == NULL) {
167 }
168 if (!isPeachNpc) {
169 npc->extraAnimList = animList;
170 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE)) {
171 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER)) {
172 npc->spriteInstanceID = spr_load_npc_sprite(npc->curAnim, animList);
173 } else {
175 }
176 } else {
178 }
179 }
182 npc->shadowScale = 1.0f;
186 }
187 return i;
#define ASSERT(condition)
Definition enums.h:5117
Definition enums.h:1928
Definition enums.h:2535
Definition enums.h:4697
Definition enums.h:3022
Definition enums.h:3002
Definition enums.h:2998
Definition enums.h:3020
Definition enums.h:3014
Definition enums.h:3024
Definition enums.h:2999
Definition enums.h:3028
s32 create_shadow_type(s32 type, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z)
Definition entity.c:1528
void * heap_malloc(s32 size)
Definition heap.c:34
void STUB_npc_callback(Npc *npc)
The default Npc::onUpdate and Npc::onRender callback.
Definition npc.c:49
#define ARRAY_COUNT(arr)
Definition macros.h:40
Definition macros.h:145
Definition macros.h:156
s32 spr_load_npc_sprite(s32 animID, u32 *extraAnimList)
Definition sprite.c:1026
Definition sprite.h:14
void(* onRender)(struct Npc *)
Definition npc.h:89
void(* onUpdate)(struct Npc *)
Definition npc.h:88
s32 initialAnim
Definition npc.h:87
s32 flags
Definition npc.h:86
struct EffectInstance * decorations[2]
s16 collisionDiameter
void(* onUpdate)(struct Npc *)
Run before anything else for this NPC in update_npcs()
f32 jumpScale
Vec3f scale
f32 jumpVel
f32 animationSpeed
s8 renderMode
s16 unk_96
s16 imgfxType
s32 flags
s8 decorationType[2]
s32 spriteInstanceID
AnimID curAnim
s8 palSwapType
f32 shadowScale
u8 hideAlpha
Used when hiding NPCs; Multiplied with Npc::alpha.
f32 screenSpaceOffset2D[2]
s32 collisionChannel
b16 isFacingAway
Vec3f colliderPos
s16 turnAroundYawAdjustment
Vec3f rot
s8 verticalRenderOffset
s16 yawCamOffset
u16 imgfxFlags
s8 palSwapPrevType
f32 verticalStretch
AnimID * extraAnimList
s16 curFloor
f32 rotPivotOffsetY
f32 moveSpeed
Vec3s homePos
union Npc::@0 blur
s16 curWall
s32 shadowIndex
void(* onRender)(struct Npc *)
Run after the display list for this NPC is built.

Referenced by create_basic_npc(), create_peach_npc(), and create_standard_npc().

◆ create_basic_npc()

s32 create_basic_npc ( NpcBlueprint * blueprint)

Definition at line 190 of file npc.c.

190 {
191 return create_npc_impl(blueprint, NULL, FALSE);
s32 create_npc_impl(NpcBlueprint *blueprint, AnimID *animList, s32 isPeachNpc)
Definition npc.c:88

Referenced by create_partner_npc().

◆ create_standard_npc()

s32 create_standard_npc ( NpcBlueprint * blueprint,
AnimID * animList )

Definition at line 194 of file npc.c.

194 {
195 return create_npc_impl(blueprint, animList, FALSE);

Referenced by create_encounters(), and peach_make_disguise_npc().

◆ create_peach_npc()

s32 create_peach_npc ( NpcBlueprint * blueprint)

Definition at line 198 of file npc.c.

198 {
199 return create_npc_impl(blueprint, NULL, TRUE);

Referenced by create_encounters().

◆ free_npc_by_index()

void free_npc_by_index ( s32 listIndex)

Definition at line 202 of file npc.c.

202 {
203 Npc* npc;
204 s32 i;
206 listIndex &= ~BATTLE_NPC_ID_BIT;
208 npc = (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[listIndex];
209 if (npc != NULL) {
210 if (npc->flags) {
211 if (npc->blur.any != NULL) {
212 heap_free(npc->blur.any);
213 npc->blur.any = NULL;
214 }
216 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
218 }
222 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPC_DECORATIONS; i++) {
223 npc_remove_decoration(npc, i);
224 }
226 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_MOTION_BLUR) {
227 disable_npc_blur(npc);
228 }
230 heap_free((*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[listIndex]);
231 (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[listIndex] = NULL;
232 gNpcCount--;
233 }
234 }
Definition enums.h:3018
s32 heap_free(void *ptr)
Definition heap.c:42
void delete_shadow(s32)
Definition entity.c:626
void disable_npc_blur(Npc *npc)
Definition npc.c:1088
void npc_remove_decoration(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1741
s32 spr_free_sprite(s32 spriteInstanceID)
Definition sprite.c:1178

Referenced by action_update_parasol(), partner_free_npc(), and peach_force_disguise_action().

◆ free_npc()

void free_npc ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 237 of file npc.c.

237 {
238 s32 i;
240 if (npc->blur.any != NULL) {
241 heap_free(npc->blur.any);
242 npc->blur.any = NULL;
243 }
245 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
247 }
251 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPC_DECORATIONS; i++) {
252 npc_remove_decoration(npc, i);
253 }
255 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_MOTION_BLUR) {
256 disable_npc_blur(npc);
257 }
259 heap_free(npc);
261 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPCS; i++) {
262 if ((*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i] == npc) {
263 break;
264 }
265 }
267 (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i] = NULL;
268 gNpcCount--;

Referenced by kill_enemy().

◆ get_npc_by_index()

Npc * get_npc_by_index ( s32 listIndex)

◆ npc_do_world_collision()

void npc_do_world_collision ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 278 of file npc.c.

278 {
279 f32 testAngle;
280 s32 hit;
281 f32 testX;
282 f32 testY;
283 f32 testZ;
287 } else if (
288 (npc->pos.x != npc->colliderPos.x)
289 || (npc->pos.y != npc->colliderPos.y)
290 || (npc->pos.z != npc->colliderPos.z)
292 ) {
294 testAngle = clamp_angle(npc->yaw);
295 testX = npc->pos.x;
296 testY = npc->pos.y;
297 testZ = npc->pos.z;
299 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER)) {
300 hit = npc_test_move_simple_with_slipping(npc->collisionChannel, &testX, &testY, &testZ, 0, testAngle, npc->collisionHeight, npc->collisionDiameter);
301 } else {
302 hit = npc_test_move_complex_with_slipping(npc->collisionChannel, &testX, &testY, &testZ, 0, testAngle, npc->collisionHeight, npc->collisionDiameter);
303 }
305 if (hit) {
308 npc->pos.x = testX;
309 npc->pos.z = testZ;
310 } else {
312 }
314 testAngle = clamp_angle(npc->yaw + 45.0f);
315 testX = npc->pos.x;
316 testY = npc->pos.y;
317 testZ = npc->pos.z;
319 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER)) {
320 hit = npc_test_move_simple_with_slipping(npc->collisionChannel, &testX, &testY, &testZ, 0, testAngle, npc->collisionHeight, npc->collisionDiameter);
321 } else {
322 hit = npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping(npc->collisionChannel, &testX, &testY, &testZ, 0, testAngle, npc->collisionHeight, npc->collisionDiameter);
323 }
325 if (hit) {
327 npc->pos.x = testX;
328 npc->pos.z = testZ;
329 } else {
330 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_COLLDING_WITH_WORLD;
331 }
333 testAngle = clamp_angle(npc->yaw - 45.0f);
334 testX = npc->pos.x;
335 testY = npc->pos.y;
336 testZ = npc->pos.z;
337 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER)) {
338 hit = npc_test_move_simple_with_slipping(npc->collisionChannel, &testX, &testY, &testZ, 0, testAngle, npc->collisionHeight, npc->collisionDiameter);
339 } else {
340 hit = npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping(npc->collisionChannel, &testX, &testY, &testZ, 0, testAngle, npc->collisionHeight, npc->collisionDiameter);
341 }
343 if (hit != 0) {
345 npc->pos.x = testX;
346 npc->pos.z = testZ;
347 } else {
348 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_COLLDING_WITH_WORLD;
349 }
351 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER) {
352 testAngle = clamp_angle(npc->yaw + 45.0f + 180.0f);
353 testX = npc->pos.x;
354 testY = npc->pos.y;
355 testZ = npc->pos.z;
356 if (npc_test_move_simple_with_slipping(npc->collisionChannel, &testX, &testY, &testZ, 0, testAngle, npc->collisionHeight,
357 npc->collisionDiameter) != 0) {
359 npc->pos.x = testX;
360 npc->pos.z = testZ;
361 } else {
362 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_COLLDING_WITH_WORLD;
363 }
365 testAngle = clamp_angle((npc->yaw - 45.0f) + 180.0f);
366 testX = npc->pos.x;
367 testY = npc->pos.y;
368 testZ = npc->pos.z;
369 if (npc_test_move_simple_with_slipping(npc->collisionChannel, &testX, &testY, &testZ, 0, testAngle, npc->collisionHeight,
370 npc->collisionDiameter) != 0) {
372 npc->pos.x = testX;
373 npc->pos.z = testZ;
374 return;
375 }
376 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_COLLDING_WITH_WORLD;
377 }
378 }
#define clamp_angle
Definition enums.h:3025
Definition enums.h:3004
Definition enums.h:3012
Definition enums.h:3011
s32 npc_test_move_complex_with_slipping(s32, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32, f32, f32)
b32 npc_test_move_taller_with_slipping(s32, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32, f32, f32)
s32 NpcHitQueryColliderID

Referenced by partner_get_out(), partner_move_to_goal(), and update_npcs().

◆ npc_do_other_npc_collision()

void npc_do_other_npc_collision ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 381 of file npc.c.

381 {
382 Npc* otherNpc;
383 f32 angle;
384 f32 thisX, thisY, thisZ;
385 f32 thisBuf;
386 f32 otherX, otherZ;
387 f32 otherBuf;
388 f32 xDiff, zDiff;
389 f32 dist;
390 s32 collision;
391 s32 i;
394 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_COLLIDING_WITH_NPC;
395 thisBuf = npc->collisionDiameter * 0.5f;
396 thisX = npc->pos.x;
397 thisY = npc->pos.y;
398 thisZ = npc->pos.z;
400 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPCS; i++) {
401 otherNpc = get_npc_by_index(i);
402 if (otherNpc != NULL && npc != otherNpc) {
403 if (otherNpc->flags != 0 && !(otherNpc->flags & (NPC_FLAG_SUSPENDED | NPC_FLAG_IGNORE_PLAYER_COLLISION))) {
404 if (!(otherNpc->pos.y + otherNpc->collisionHeight < thisY) &&
405 !(thisY + npc->collisionHeight < otherNpc->pos.y))
406 {
407 otherX = otherNpc->pos.x;
408 xDiff = otherX - thisX;
409 otherZ = otherNpc->pos.z;
410 zDiff = otherZ - thisZ;
411 otherBuf = otherNpc->collisionDiameter * 0.5f;
412 dist = sqrtf(SQ(xDiff) + SQ(zDiff));
414 if (!(thisBuf + otherBuf <= dist)) {
415 collision = FALSE;
416 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER) {
418 } else if (!(otherNpc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER) ||
420 {
421 collision = TRUE;
422 }
424 if (collision) {
425 angle = DEG_TO_RAD(atan2(otherX, otherZ, thisX, thisZ));
426 dist = (thisBuf + otherBuf) - dist;
427 xDiff = dist * sin_rad(angle);
428 zDiff = -dist * cos_rad(angle);
429 thisX += xDiff * 0.1f;
430 thisZ += zDiff * 0.1f;
431 }
433 }
434 }
435 }
436 }
437 }
438 npc->pos.x = thisX;
439 npc->pos.z = thisZ;
440 }
#define sqrtf
Definition enums.h:2932
Definition enums.h:3029
Definition enums.h:3006
Definition enums.h:3023
f32 cos_rad(f32 x)
Definition 43F0.c:717
f32 sin_rad(f32 x)
Definition 43F0.c:713
Npc * get_npc_by_index(s32 listIndex)
Definition npc.c:271
#define DEG_TO_RAD(deg)
Definition macros.h:134
#define SQ(x)
Definition macros.h:166

Referenced by update_npcs().

◆ npc_do_player_collision()

s32 npc_do_player_collision ( Npc * npc)
TRUE if a collision occurred

Definition at line 443 of file npc.c.

443 {
444 PlayerStatus* playerStatus = &gPlayerStatus;
445 f32 playerX, playerZ;
446 f32 playerYaw, yaw;
447 f32 npcX, npcZ;
448 f32 dist, colDist, distToNpc;
449 f32 npcColRadius, playerColRadius;
450 f32 deltaX, deltaZ;
453 return FALSE;
454 }
456 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER) {
457 return FALSE;
458 }
460 if (!gNpcPlayerCollisionsEnabled) {
461 return FALSE;
462 }
464 if (playerStatus->pos.y + playerStatus->colliderHeight < npc->pos.y) {
465 return FALSE;
466 }
468 if (npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight < playerStatus->pos.y) {
469 return FALSE;
470 }
472 playerX = playerStatus->pos.x;
473 playerZ = playerStatus->pos.z;
475 npcColRadius = npc->collisionDiameter / 2;
476 playerColRadius = playerStatus->colliderDiameter / 2;
478 npcX = npc->pos.x;
479 npcZ = npc->pos.z;
481 deltaX = playerX - npcX;
482 deltaZ = playerZ - npcZ;
484 distToNpc = sqrtf(SQ(deltaX) + SQ(deltaZ));
485 colDist = npcColRadius + playerColRadius;
486 if (colDist < distToNpc) {
487 return FALSE;
488 }
490 playerStatus->animFlags |= PA_FLAG_NPC_COLLIDED;
492 npcX = npc->colliderPos.x;
493 npcZ = npc->colliderPos.z;
495 deltaX = playerX - npcX;
496 deltaZ = playerZ - npcZ;
498 dist = sqrtf(SQ(deltaX) + SQ(deltaZ));
499 yaw = atan2(playerX, playerZ, npcX, npcZ);
501 playerYaw = playerStatus->targetYaw;
502 dist = colDist - dist;
503 deltaX = dist * sin_rad(DEG_TO_RAD(yaw));
504 deltaZ = -dist * cos_rad(DEG_TO_RAD(yaw));
506 if (playerStatus->animFlags & PA_FLAG_RIDING_PARTNER) {
507 if (fabsf(get_clamped_angle_diff(yaw, playerYaw)) < 45.0f) {
508 playerStatus->pos.x -= deltaX;
509 playerStatus->pos.z -= deltaZ;
510 wPartnerNpc->pos.x -= deltaX;
511 wPartnerNpc->pos.z -= deltaZ;
512 } else {
513 playerStatus->pos.x -= deltaX * 0.5f;
514 playerStatus->pos.z -= deltaZ * 0.5f;
515 wPartnerNpc->pos.x -= deltaX * 0.5f;
516 wPartnerNpc->pos.z -= deltaZ * 0.5f;
517 }
518 } else {
519 if (playerStatus->flags & (PS_FLAG_JUMPING | PS_FLAG_FALLING)) {
520 playerStatus->pos.x -= deltaX * 0.4f;
521 playerStatus->pos.z -= deltaZ * 0.4f;
522 } else {
523 dist = get_clamped_angle_diff(yaw, playerYaw); // required to match
524 if (fabsf(dist) < 45.0f) {
525 playerStatus->pos.x -= deltaX;
526 playerStatus->pos.z -= deltaZ;
527 } else {
528 playerStatus->pos.x -= deltaX * 0.5f;
529 playerStatus->pos.z -= deltaZ * 0.5f;
530 }
531 }
532 }
533 npc->pos.x = npc->colliderPos.x;
534 npc->pos.y = npc->colliderPos.y;
535 npc->pos.z = npc->colliderPos.z;
536 return TRUE;
Definition enums.h:3036
Definition enums.h:3035
Definition enums.h:3106
Definition enums.h:3116
f32 get_clamped_angle_diff(f32, f32)
Definition 43F0.c:606
Npc * wPartnerNpc
Definition partners.c:43

Referenced by update_npcs().

◆ npc_try_apply_gravity()

void npc_try_apply_gravity ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 541 of file npc.c.

541 {
542 f32 x, y, z, testLength;
543 f32 length;
544 s32 hitID;
546 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_GRAVITY)) {
547 return;
548 }
550 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_JUMPING) {
551 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_GROUNDED;
552 return;
553 }
555 npc->jumpScale = 1.0f;
556 npc->jumpVel -= npc->jumpScale;
557 npc->pos.y += npc->jumpVel;
559 x = npc->pos.x;
560 y = npc->pos.y + 13;
561 z = npc->pos.z;
562 testLength = length = fabsf(npc->jumpVel) + 16;
564 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER)) {
565 hitID = npc_raycast_down_sides(npc->collisionChannel, &x, &y, &z, &length);
566 } else {
567 hitID = npc_raycast_down_around(npc->collisionChannel, &x, &y, &z, &length, npc->yaw, npc->collisionDiameter);
568 }
570 if (hitID && length <= testLength) {
571 npc->jumpVel = 0.0f;
572 npc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_GROUNDED;
573 npc->pos.y = y;
575 } else {
576 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_GROUNDED;
577 }
#define npc_raycast_down_sides
Definition enums.h:3009
Definition enums.h:3007
Definition enums.h:3010
b32 npc_raycast_down_around(s32, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32, f32)

Referenced by update_npcs().

◆ npc_try_snap_to_ground()

s32 npc_try_snap_to_ground ( Npc * npc,
f32 velocity )

Definition at line 581 of file npc.c.

581 {
582 f32 x, y, z, testLength;
583 f32 length;
584 s32 hitID;
586 if (npc->flags & (NPC_FLAG_GRAVITY | NPC_FLAG_FLYING)) {
587 return FALSE;
588 }
590 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_JUMPING) {
591 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_GROUNDED;
592 return FALSE;
593 }
595 length = testLength = fabsf(velocity) + 16;
596 x = npc->pos.x;
597 y = npc->pos.y + 13;
598 z = npc->pos.z;
600 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER)) {
601 hitID = npc_raycast_down_sides(npc->collisionChannel, &x, &y, &z, &length);
602 } else {
603 hitID = npc_raycast_down_around(npc->collisionChannel, &x, &y, &z, &length, npc->yaw, npc->collisionDiameter);
604 }
606 if (hitID != 0 && length <= testLength) {
607 npc->pos.y = y;
609 npc->flags |= NPC_FLAG_GROUNDED;
610 return TRUE;
611 }
613 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_GROUNDED;
614 return FALSE;
Definition enums.h:3001

Referenced by partner_get_out(), and update_npcs().

◆ update_npcs()

void update_npcs ( void )

Updates all NPCs.

Definition at line 617 of file npc.c.

617 {
618 PlayerStatus* playerStatus = &gPlayerStatus;
619 f32 x, y, z;
620 f32 hitYaw, hitPitch, hitLength;
622 playerStatus->animFlags &= ~PA_FLAG_NPC_COLLIDED;
624 s32 i;
626 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPCS; i++) {
627 Npc* npc = (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i];
629 if (npc != NULL) {
630 if (npc->flags != 0) {
633 continue;
634 }
636 npc->onUpdate(npc);
639 } else {
640 npc->collisionChannel &= ~COLLISION_IGNORE_ENTITIES;
641 }
643 npc->curFloor = NO_COLLIDER;
644 npc->curWall = NO_COLLIDER;
649 npc_try_snap_to_ground(npc, 0.0f);
653 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_MOTION_BLUR) {
654 update_npc_blur(npc);
655 }
657 if ((npc->pos.y < -2000.0f) && !(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER)) {
658 npc->pos.y = playerStatus->pos.y;
659 npc->jumpVel = 0.0f;
660 npc->moveSpeed = 0.0f;
661 npc->jumpScale = 0.0f;
662 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_JUMPING;
663 }
665 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
666 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE)) {
667 if (npc->curAnim != 0) {
668 if (npc->spriteInstanceID >= 0) {
670 }
671 }
672 }
673 } else {
675 }
677 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_SHADOW) {
678 Shadow* shadow = get_shadow_by_index(npc->shadowIndex);
679 EntityModel* entityModel = get_entity_model(shadow->entityModelID);
681 entityModel->flags &= ~ENTITY_MODEL_FLAG_REFLECT;
682 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_REFLECT_WALL) {
683 entityModel->flags |= ENTITY_MODEL_FLAG_REFLECT;
684 }
686 x = npc->pos.x;
687 y = npc->pos.y;
688 z = npc->pos.z;
689 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_SHADOW_RAYCAST)) {
690 if ( x != npc->colliderPos.x
691 || y != npc->colliderPos.y
692 || z != npc->colliderPos.z
693 || (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_DIRTY_SHADOW)
694 ) {
695 x = npc->pos.x;
696 y = npc->pos.y + (npc->collisionHeight / 2);
697 z = npc->pos.z;
698 hitLength = 1000.0f;
699 entity_raycast_down(&x, &y, &z, &hitYaw, &hitPitch, &hitLength);
700 set_npc_shadow_scale(shadow, hitLength, npc->collisionDiameter);
701 shadow->pos.x = x;
702 shadow->pos.y = y;
703 shadow->pos.z = z;
704 shadow->rot.x = hitYaw;
705 shadow->rot.y = npc->renderYaw;
706 shadow->rot.z = hitPitch;
707 shadow->scale.x *= npc->shadowScale;
708 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_DIRTY_SHADOW;
709 }
710 } else {
712 shadow->pos.x = npc->pos.x;
713 shadow->pos.z = npc->pos.z;
714 } else {
715 shadow->pos.x = npc->pos.x;
716 shadow->pos.y = npc->pos.y;
717 shadow->pos.z = npc->pos.z;
718 }
719 }
720 }
722 npc->colliderPos.x = npc->pos.x;
723 npc->colliderPos.y = npc->pos.y;
724 npc->colliderPos.z = npc->pos.z;
727 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
728 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE)) {
729 if (npc->spriteInstanceID < 0) {
730 npc->spriteInstanceID++;
731 if (npc->spriteInstanceID == -1) {
733 ASSERT(npc->spriteInstanceID >= 0);
735 }
736 }
737 }
738 }
739 }
740 }
741 }
742 }
s16 entityModelID
Vec3f scale
EntityModel * get_entity_model(s32 idx)
Definition enums.h:5019
Definition enums.h:4330
Definition enums.h:4329
Definition enums.h:3013
Definition enums.h:3015
Definition enums.h:3000
Definition enums.h:3003
Definition enums.h:3008
b32 entity_raycast_down(f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *, f32 *)
Mostly used for shadows.
Definition entity.c:1637
Shadow * get_shadow_by_index(s32 index)
Definition entity.c:534
void set_npc_shadow_scale(Shadow *shadow, f32 height, f32 npcRadius)
Definition entity.c:1687
s32 npc_try_snap_to_ground(Npc *npc, f32 velocity)
Definition npc.c:581
void npc_do_other_npc_collision(Npc *npc)
Definition npc.c:381
void npc_try_apply_gravity(Npc *npc)
Definition npc.c:541
s32 npc_update_decorations(Npc *npc)
Definition npc.c:1768
void npc_do_world_collision(Npc *npc)
Definition npc.c:278
s32 npc_do_player_collision(Npc *npc)
Definition npc.c:443
void update_npc_blur(Npc *npc)
Definition npc.c:1097
s32 spr_update_sprite(s32 spriteInstanceID, s32 animID, f32 timeScale)
Definition sprite.c:1072
s32 spr_update_player_sprite(s32 spriteInstanceID, s32 animID, f32 timeScale)
Definition sprite.c:823
Definition sprite.h:27
s32 flags
Definition entity.h:448
s32 gOverrideFlags
Definition main_loop.c:11

Referenced by state_step_battle(), state_step_change_map(), state_step_enter_world(), state_step_game_over(), state_step_intro(), state_step_logos(), state_step_pause(), state_step_title_screen(), state_step_unpause(), and state_step_world().

◆ npc_get_render_yaw()

f32 npc_get_render_yaw ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 745 of file npc.c.

745 {
746 Camera* camera = &gCameras[gCurrentCamID];
747 f32 cameraYaw;
748 f32 camRelativeYaw;
749 f32 yaw;
750 s32 direction;
753 cameraYaw = camera->curYaw;
754 camRelativeYaw = get_clamped_angle_diff(cameraYaw, npc->yaw);
756 if (camRelativeYaw < -5.0f && camRelativeYaw > -175.0f) {
757 direction = 0;
758 camRelativeYaw = 0.0f;
759 } else if (camRelativeYaw > 5.0f && camRelativeYaw < 175.0f) {
760 direction = 1;
761 camRelativeYaw = 180.0f;
762 } else {
763 // direction is close to flipping, use saved value
764 direction = 2;
765 camRelativeYaw = npc->yawCamOffset;
766 }
768 npc->yawCamOffset = yaw = clamp_angle(camRelativeYaw);
771 if (npc->isFacingAway != direction && direction != 2) {
772 npc->isFacingAway = direction;
774 if (npc->isFacingAway) {
775 npc->turnAroundYawAdjustment = 180;
776 } else {
777 npc->turnAroundYawAdjustment = -180;
778 }
780 if (fabsf(get_clamped_angle_diff(cameraYaw, npc->yaw)) >= 90.0f) {
782 }
783 }
785 if (npc->turnAroundYawAdjustment != 0) {
786 if (npc->turnAroundYawAdjustment < 0) {
787 npc->turnAroundYawAdjustment += 20;
788 }
789 if (npc->turnAroundYawAdjustment > 0) {
790 npc->turnAroundYawAdjustment -= 20;
791 }
792 }
794 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_FLIP_INSTANTLY) {
796 }
798 npc->renderYaw = clamp_angle(clamp_angle(npc->turnAroundYawAdjustment + yaw) - cameraYaw);
799 yaw = npc->renderYaw;
800 } else {
801 yaw = npc->renderYaw;
802 }
803 } else {
804 yaw = npc->renderYaw;
805 }
806 return yaw;
Definition enums.h:4333
Definition enums.h:4334
Definition enums.h:3019
Definition enums.h:3016
Camera gCameras[4]
Definition cam_main.c:17
s16 gCurrentCamID
Definition cam_main.c:13

Referenced by appendGfx_npc().

◆ appendGfx_npc()

void appendGfx_npc ( void * data)

Definition at line 809 of file npc.c.

809 {
810 Npc* npc = data;
811 Matrix4f mtx1, mtx2;
812 f32 renderYaw = npc_get_render_yaw(npc);
814 guTranslateF(mtx1, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y + npc->verticalRenderOffset, npc->pos.z);
815 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_UPSIDE_DOWN) {
816 mtx_ident_mirror_y(mtx2);
817 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
818 }
820 if (npc->rotPivotOffsetY != 0.0f) {
821 guTranslateF(mtx2, 0.0f, npc->rotPivotOffsetY, 0.0f);
822 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
823 }
825 if (npc->rot.y != 0.0f) {
826 guRotateF(mtx2, npc->rot.y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
827 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
828 }
830 if (npc->rot.x != 0.0f) {
831 guRotateF(mtx2, npc->rot.x, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
832 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
833 }
835 if (npc->rot.z != 0.0f) {
836 guRotateF(mtx2, npc->rot.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
837 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
838 }
840 if (npc->rotPivotOffsetY != 0.0f) {
841 guTranslateF(mtx2, 0.0f, -npc->rotPivotOffsetY, 0.0f);
842 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
843 }
845 if ((npc->screenSpaceOffset2D[0] != 0.0f) || (npc->screenSpaceOffset2D[1] != 0.0f)) {
846 guTranslateF(mtx1, npc->screenSpaceOffset2D[0], npc->screenSpaceOffset2D[1], 0.0f);
847 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
848 }
850 if (npc->scale.x * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D != 1.0f
851 || (npc->scale.y * npc->verticalStretch) * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D != 1.0f
852 || npc->scale.z * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D != 1.0f
853 ) {
856 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
857 }
859 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
860 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE) && (npc->curAnim != 0) && (npc->spriteInstanceID >= 0)) {
861 npc_draw_with_palswap(npc, renderYaw, mtx1);
863 }
864 } else {
865 npc_draw_with_palswap(npc, renderYaw, mtx1);
867 }
869 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_REFLECT_WALL) {
870 guTranslateF(mtx1, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y + npc->verticalRenderOffset, -npc->pos.z);
871 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_UPSIDE_DOWN) {
872 mtx_ident_mirror_y(mtx2);
873 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
874 }
875 if ((npc->rot.y != 0.0f) || (npc->rot.x != 0.0f) || (npc->rot.z != 0.0f)) {
876 guRotateRPYF(mtx2, npc->rot.x, npc->rot.y, npc->rot.z);
877 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
878 }
881 if (npc->scale.x * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D != 1.0f
882 || (npc->scale.y * npc->verticalStretch) * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D != 1.0f
883 || npc->scale.z * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D != 1.0f
884 ) {
885 guScaleF(mtx2,
889 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
891 }
893 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
894 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE) && (npc->curAnim != 0)) {
895 spr_draw_npc_sprite(npc->spriteInstanceID, renderYaw, 0, 0, mtx1);
896 }
897 } else {
899 }
900 }
902 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_REFLECT_FLOOR) {
903 guTranslateF(mtx1, npc->pos.x, -(npc->pos.y + npc->verticalRenderOffset), npc->pos.z);
904 mtx_ident_mirror_y(mtx2);
905 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
907 if (npc->rot.y != 0.0f || npc->rot.x != 0.0f || npc->rot.z != 0.0f) {
908 guRotateRPYF(mtx2, npc->rot.x, npc->rot.y, npc->rot.z);
909 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
910 }
912 if (npc->scale.x * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D != 1.0f
913 || (npc->scale.y * npc->verticalStretch) * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D != 1.0f
914 || npc->scale.z * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D != 1.0f
915 ) {
916 guScaleF(mtx2,
920 guMtxCatF(mtx2, mtx1, mtx1);
921 }
922 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
923 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE) && (npc->curAnim != 0)) {
924 spr_draw_npc_sprite(npc->spriteInstanceID, renderYaw, 0, 0, mtx1);
925 }
926 } else {
928 }
929 }
930 npc->onRender(npc);
f32 Matrix4f[4][4]
#define guRotateF
#define guTranslateF
#define guMtxCatF
#define guScaleF
Definition enums.h:3005
Definition enums.h:3017
void npc_draw_with_palswap(Npc *npc, s32 yaw, Matrix4f mtx)
Definition npc.c:1301
void mtx_ident_mirror_y(Matrix4f mtx)
Definition npc.c:52
f32 npc_get_render_yaw(Npc *npc)
Definition npc.c:745
Definition macros.h:140
s32 spr_draw_npc_sprite(s32 spriteInstanceID, s32 yaw, s32 arg2, PAL_PTR *paletteList, Matrix4f mtx)
Definition sprite.c:1106
s32 spr_get_notify_value(s32 spriteIndex)
Definition sprite.c:1174
s32 func_802DDEC4(s32 spriteIdx)
Definition sprite.c:965
s32 spr_draw_player_sprite(s32 spriteInstanceID, s32 yaw, s32 alphaIn, PAL_PTR *paletteList, Matrix4f mtx)
Definition sprite.c:872
Definition sprite.h:21
s32 animNotifyValue

Referenced by render_npcs().

◆ render_npcs()

void render_npcs ( void )

Renders all NPCs.

Definition at line 933 of file npc.c.

933 {
934 Npc* npc;
935 RenderTask renderTask;
936 RenderTask* renderTaskPtr = &renderTask;
938 f32 x, y, z, s;
939 f32 renderDist;
940 s32 i;
942 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPCS; i++) {
943 Npc* npc = (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i];
944 if ((npc != NULL)
945 && (npc->flags != 0)
947 ) {
948 transform_point(cam->mtxPerspective, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y, npc->pos.z, 1.0f, &x, &y, &z, &s);
949 if (!(s < 0.01) || !(s > -0.01)) {
950 renderDist = ((z * 5000.0f) / s) + 5000.0f;
951 if (renderDist < 0.0f) {
952 renderDist = 0.0f;
953 } else if (renderDist > 10000.0f) {
954 renderDist = 10000.0f;
955 }
957 renderTaskPtr->dist = -renderDist;
958 renderTaskPtr->appendGfxArg = npc;
959 renderTaskPtr->appendGfx = appendGfx_npc;
960 renderTaskPtr->renderMode = npc->renderMode;
962 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HIDING) {
963 u8 r, g, b, a;
964 mdl_get_shroud_tint_params(&r, &g, &b, &a);
965 npc->hideAlpha = 255 - a;
966 } else {
967 npc->hideAlpha = 255;
968 }
970 if (npc->hideAlpha != 0) {
971 queue_render_task(renderTaskPtr);
972 }
974 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_MOTION_BLUR) {
975 renderTaskPtr->dist = -renderDist;
976 renderTaskPtr->appendGfx = appendGfx_npc_blur;
977 renderTaskPtr->appendGfxArg = npc;
979 queue_render_task(renderTaskPtr);
980 }
981 }
982 }
983 }
#define transform_point
#define queue_render_task
#define mdl_get_shroud_tint_params
Definition enums.h:3282
Definition enums.h:3021
void appendGfx_npc_blur(void *data)
Definition npc.c:1113
void appendGfx_npc(void *data)
Definition npc.c:809
Matrix4f mtxPerspective
void * appendGfxArg
void(* appendGfx)(void *)

Referenced by render_frame().

◆ npc_move_heading()

◆ get_npc_unsafe()

Npc * get_npc_unsafe ( s32 npcID)

Definition at line 995 of file npc.c.

995 {
996 s32 i;
997 Npc* npc;
999 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPCS; i++) {
1000 npc = (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i];
1001 if (npc != NULL && npc->flags != 0 && npc->npcID == npcID) {
1002 break;
1003 }
1004 }
1005 ASSERT(i < MAX_NPCS);
1007 return npc;

Referenced by ai_check_player_dist(), ai_suspend_for_time(), ai_try_set_state(), AvoidPlayerAI_Chase(), AvoidPlayerAI_ChaseInit(), AvoidPlayerAI_LosePlayer(), basic_ai_chase(), basic_ai_chase_init(), basic_ai_check_player_dist(), basic_ai_found_player_jump(), basic_ai_found_player_jump_init(), basic_ai_loiter(), basic_ai_loiter_init(), basic_ai_lose_player(), basic_ai_suspend(), basic_ai_wander(), basic_ai_wander_init(), BooPatrolAI_Loiter(), BooPatrolAI_Move(), can_dismount(), check_conversation_trigger(), CleftAI_Ambush(), CleftAI_CanSeePlayer(), CleftAI_Disguise(), CleftAI_DisguiseInit(), CleftAI_FindPlayer(), CleftAI_FindPlayerInit(), CleftAI_Hiding(), CleftAI_HidingInit(), CleftAI_LosePlayer(), CleftAI_PostDisguise(), CleftAI_PreAmbush(), CleftAI_ReturnHome(), CleftAI_RevUp(), CleftAI_RevUpInit(), CleftAI_Tackle(), ClubbaNappingAI_FallAsleep(), ClubbaNappingAI_Init(), ClubbaNappingAI_Loiter(), ClubbaNappingAI_LoiterInit(), ClubbaNappingAI_ReturnHome(), ClubbaNappingAI_ReturnHomeInit(), ClubbaNappingAI_Sleep(), ClubbaNappingAI_WakeUp(), draw_encounters_pre_battle(), FlyingAI_Chase(), FlyingAI_ChaseInit(), FlyingAI_Jump(), FlyingAI_JumpInit(), FlyingAI_Loiter(), FlyingAI_LoiterInit(), FlyingAI_LosePlayer(), FlyingAI_Wander(), FlyingAI_WanderInit(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_10(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_11(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_15(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_16(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_17(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_20(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_21(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_22(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_23(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_24(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_50(), FlyingNoAttackAI_12(), FlyingNoAttackAI_13(), FlyingNoAttackAI_20(), func_80048F0C(), get_npc_pos(), GrooveGuyAI_02(), GrooveGuyAI_03(), GuardAI_Alert(), GuardAI_AlertInit(), GuardAI_Chase(), GuardAI_ChaseInit(), GuardAI_Idle(), GuardAI_IdleInit(), GuardAI_LosePlayer(), GuardAI_ReturnHome(), GuardAI_ReturnHomeInit(), HoppingAI_Chase(), HoppingAI_ChaseInit(), HoppingAI_Hop(), HoppingAI_HopInit(), HoppingAI_Loiter(), HoppingAI_LoiterInit(), HoppingAI_LosePlayer(), kill_enemy(), LakituAI_Loiter(), LakituAI_Wander(), MagikoopaAI_00(), MagikoopaAI_01(), MagikoopaAI_05(), MagikoopaAI_06(), MagikoopaAI_10(), MagikoopaAI_11(), MagikoopaAI_20(), MagikoopaAI_21(), MagikoopaAI_22(), MagikoopaAI_23(), MagikoopaAI_24(), MagikoopaAI_CanShootSpell(), MeleeHitbox_30(), MeleeHitbox_31(), MeleeHitbox_32(), MeleeHitbox_33(), MeleeHitbox_CanSeePlayer(), ParatroopaAI_Dive(), ParatroopaAI_Overshoot(), ParatroopaAI_Reset(), ParatroopaAI_Windup(), PatrolAI_Chase(), PatrolAI_ChaseInit(), PatrolAI_Jump(), PatrolAI_JumpInit(), PatrolAI_Loiter(), PatrolAI_LoiterInit(), PatrolAI_LosePlayer(), PatrolAI_Move(), PatrolAI_MoveInit(), PatrolAI_PostLoiter(), PatrolNoAttackAI_15(), PiranhaPlantAI_00(), PiranhaPlantAI_01(), PiranhaPlantAI_10(), PiranhaPlantAI_11(), PiranhaPlantAI_12(), PiranhaPlantAI_13(), PiranhaPlantAI_LosePlayer(), ProjectileHitbox_30(), ProjectileHitbox_31(), ProjectileHitbox_32(), ProjectileHitbox_33(), ProjectileHitbox_GetUsableProjectileID(), reset_outta_sight_alpha_on_menu_close(), SentinelAI_Chase(), SentinelAI_ChaseInit(), SentinelAI_Descend(), SentinelAI_DescendInit(), SentinelAI_GrabPlayer(), SentinelAI_LosePlayer(), SentinelAI_LosePlayerInit(), SentinelAI_PostLosePlayer(), SentinelAI_ReturnHome(), SentinelAI_ReturnHomeInit(), set_script_owner_npc_anim(), set_script_owner_npc_col_height(), ShyGuyPatrolAI_14(), ShyGuyPatrolAI_15(), ShyGuyPatrolAI_16(), ShyGuyPatrolAI_17(), ShyGuyWanderAI_14(), ShyGuyWanderAI_15(), ShyGuyWanderAI_16(), ShyGuyWanderAI_17(), spawn_drops(), SpearGuyAI_Loiter(), SpearGuyAI_LoiterInit(), StoneChompAI_ChaseInit(), StoneChompAI_HopInit(), sync_player_position(), UnkDistFunc(), UnkNpcAIFunc12(), UnkNpcAIFunc48(), update_encounters_neutral(), update_encounters_post_battle(), and update_player().

◆ get_npc_safe()

Npc * get_npc_safe ( s32 npcID)
NULL if not found

Definition at line 1010 of file npc.c.

1010 {
1011 s32 i;
1012 Npc* npc;
1014 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPCS; i++) {
1015 npc = (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i];
1016 if (npc != NULL && npc->flags != 0 && npc->npcID == npcID) {
1017 break;
1018 }
1019 }
1020 if (i >= MAX_NPCS) {
1021 return NULL;
1022 }
1024 return npc;

Referenced by resolve_npc(), sfx_play_sound_at_npc(), and unkVtxFunc001().

◆ enable_npc_shadow()

void enable_npc_shadow ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 1027 of file npc.c.

1027 {
1028 Shadow* shadow;
1030 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_SHADOW)) {
1031 shadow = get_shadow_by_index(npc->shadowIndex);
1032 shadow->flags &= ~ENTITY_FLAG_HIDDEN;
1034 }

Referenced by CleftAI_PreAmbush(), and MagikoopaAI_11().

◆ disable_npc_shadow()

void disable_npc_shadow ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 1037 of file npc.c.

1037 {
1038 Shadow* shadow;
1040 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_SHADOW) {
1041 shadow = get_shadow_by_index(npc->shadowIndex);
1042 shadow->flags |= ENTITY_FLAG_HIDDEN;
1043 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_HAS_SHADOW;
1044 npc->flags &= ~NPC_FLAG_DIRTY_SHADOW;
1045 }
Definition enums.h:2613

Referenced by action_update_use_tweester(), CleftAI_HidingInit(), MagikoopaAI_01(), and peach_make_disguise_npc().

◆ update_npc_blur()

void update_npc_blur ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 1097 of file npc.c.

1097 {
1098 NpcMotionBlur* motionBlur = npc->blur.motion;
1099 s32 index = motionBlur->index;
1101 motionBlur->posX[index] = npc->pos.x;
1102 motionBlur->posY[index] = npc->pos.y;
1103 motionBlur->posZ[index] = npc->pos.z;
1105 index++;
1106 if (index >= 20) {
1107 index = 0;
1108 }
1110 motionBlur->index = index;
s8 index
Current blur ring buffer index.
Ring buffer of an NPC's position over the past 20 frames.

Referenced by update_npcs().

◆ appendGfx_npc_blur()

void appendGfx_npc_blur ( void * npc)

Definition at line 1113 of file npc.c.

1113 {
1114 Npc* npc = (Npc*) data;
1115 Matrix4f mtx, tempMtx;
1116 f32 x, y, z;
1117 f32 yaw;
1118 s32 strideIdx;
1119 s32 drawIdx;
1120 s32 bufPos;
1121 NpcMotionBlur* blur;
1123 strideIdx = 0;
1124 drawIdx = 0;
1125 blur = npc->blur.motion;
1126 bufPos = blur->index;
1128 while (TRUE) {
1129 bufPos--;
1130 strideIdx++;
1132 if (bufPos < 0) {
1133 bufPos = NPC_BLUR_FRAMES - 1;
1134 }
1136 if (bufPos == blur->index) {
1137 break;
1138 }
1140 // only draw every third blur frame
1141 if (strideIdx < 3) {
1142 continue;
1143 }
1145 strideIdx = 0;
1146 drawIdx++;
1148 // draw three blur samples
1149 if (drawIdx > 3) {
1150 break;
1151 }
1153 x = blur->posX[bufPos];
1154 y = blur->posY[bufPos];
1155 z = blur->posZ[bufPos];
1156 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_SET_ALPHA, 255, 255, 255, 120 - (drawIdx * 20), 0);
1157 yaw = npc->renderYaw;
1158 guTranslateF(mtx, x, y, z);
1160 if (npc->rot.y != 0.0f) {
1161 guRotateF(tempMtx, npc->rot.y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
1162 guMtxCatF(tempMtx, mtx, mtx);
1163 }
1164 if (npc->rot.x != 0.0f) {
1165 guRotateF(tempMtx, npc->rot.y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
1166 guMtxCatF(tempMtx, mtx, mtx);
1167 }
1168 if (npc->rot.z != 0.0f) {
1169 guRotateF(tempMtx, npc->rot.y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
1170 guMtxCatF(tempMtx, mtx, mtx);
1171 }
1173 if ((npc->scale.x * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D) != 1.0
1174 || ((npc->scale.y * npc->verticalStretch) * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D) != 1.0
1175 || (npc->scale.z * SPRITE_WORLD_SCALE_D) != 1.0
1176 ) {
1177 guScaleF(
1178 tempMtx,
1182 );
1183 guMtxCatF(tempMtx, mtx, mtx);
1184 }
1186 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1187 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE)) {
1188 spr_draw_npc_sprite(npc->spriteInstanceID, yaw, 0, 0, mtx);
1189 }
1190 } else {
1192 }
1193 }
1194 npc_imgfx_update(npc);
Definition enums.h:5124
void npc_imgfx_update(Npc *npc)
Definition npc.c:2093
void set_npc_imgfx_all(s32 spriteIdx, ImgFXType imgfxType, s32 imgfxArg1, s32 imgfxArg2, s32 imgfxArg3, s32 imgfxArg4, s32 imgfxArg5)
Definition sprite.c:1254

Referenced by render_npcs().

◆ npc_enable_collisions()

void npc_enable_collisions ( void )

Definition at line 1197 of file npc.c.

1197 {
1198 gNpcPlayerCollisionsEnabled = TRUE;

◆ npc_disable_collisions()

void npc_disable_collisions ( void )

Definition at line 1201 of file npc.c.

1201 {
1202 gNpcPlayerCollisionsEnabled = FALSE;

◆ func_8003B1A8()

void func_8003B1A8 ( void )

Definition at line 1205 of file npc.c.

1205 {

Referenced by state_step_battle(), and state_step_pause().

◆ npc_reload_all()

void npc_reload_all ( void )

Definition at line 1208 of file npc.c.

1208 {
1209 s32 i;
1210 s32 j;
1212 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPCS; i++) {
1213 Npc* npc = (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i];
1214 if (npc != NULL) {
1215 if (npc->flags && !(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1216 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE)) {
1217 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER)) {
1219 } else {
1221 }
1222 }
1223 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1224 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE) && (npc->palSwapType != NPC_PAL_ADJUST_NONE)) {
1226 npc->originalPalettesCount = 0;
1227 while (npc->originalPalettesList[npc->originalPalettesCount] != (PAL_PTR) -1) {
1228 npc->originalPalettesCount++;
1229 }
1231 }
1232 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1233 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE)) {
1234 for (j = 0; j < MAX_NPC_DECORATIONS; j++) {
1236 }
1237 npc_imgfx_update(npc);
1238 }
1239 }
1240 }
1241 }
1242 }
1243 }
#define PAL_PTR
void npc_reset_current_decoration(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1798
s32 spr_get_npc_color_variations(s32 npcSpriteID)
Definition sprite.c:1329
PAL_PTR * spr_get_npc_palettes(s32 npcSpriteID)
Definition sprite.c:1319
s8 originalPalettesCount
u16 ** originalPalettesList
s8 spriteColorVariations

Referenced by state_step_end_battle(), and state_step_unpause().

◆ set_npc_yaw()

void set_npc_yaw ( Npc * npc,
f32 yaw )

Definition at line 1246 of file npc.c.

1246 {
1247 npc->yaw = yaw;
1249 if (get_clamped_angle_diff(gCameras[gCurrentCameraID].curYaw, yaw) >= 0.0f) {
1250 npc->yawCamOffset = 180;
1251 npc->isFacingAway = TRUE;
1252 } else {
1253 npc->yawCamOffset = 0;
1254 npc->isFacingAway = FALSE;
1255 }
s32 gCurrentCameraID
Definition cam_math.c:4

Referenced by create_encounters(), GrooveGuyAI_02(), GrooveGuyAI_03(), peach_make_disguise_npc(), SpearGuyAI_Loiter(), and SpearGuyAI_LoiterInit().

◆ npc_set_palswap_mode_A()

void npc_set_palswap_mode_A ( Npc * npc,
s32 arg1 )

Definition at line 1258 of file npc.c.

1258 {
1259 if (npc->palSwapType != mode) {
1260 npc->palSwapPrevType = npc->palSwapType;
1261 npc->palSwapType = mode;
1263 npc->resetPalAdjust = 1;
1264 }
Definition npc.c:19
s8 palAnimState
s8 resetPalAdjust

◆ npc_set_palswap_mode_B()

void npc_set_palswap_mode_B ( Npc * npc,
s32 arg1 )

Definition at line 1267 of file npc.c.

1267 {
1268 if (npc->palSwapType != mode) {
1269 npc->palSwapPrevType = npc->palSwapType;
1270 npc->palSwapType = mode;
1272 npc->resetPalAdjust = -1;
1273 }

◆ npc_revert_palswap_mode()

void npc_revert_palswap_mode ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 1276 of file npc.c.

1276 {
1279 return;
1280 }
1281 npc->palSwapType = npc->palSwapPrevType;
1284 npc->resetPalAdjust = 1;

◆ npc_set_palswap_1()

void npc_set_palswap_1 ( Npc * npc,
s32 palIndexA,
s32 palIndexB,
s32 timeHoldA,
s32 timeAB )

Definition at line 1287 of file npc.c.

1287 {
1288 npc->blendPalA = palIndexA;
1289 npc->blendPalB = palIndexB;
1290 npc->palswapTimeHoldA = timeHoldA;
1291 npc->palswapTimeAtoB = timeAB;
s16 blendPalB
s16 palswapTimeAtoB
s16 blendPalA
u16 palswapTimeHoldA

◆ npc_set_palswap_2()

void npc_set_palswap_2 ( Npc * npc,
s32 timeHoldB,
s32 timeBA,
s32 palIndexC,
s32 palIndexD )

Definition at line 1294 of file npc.c.

1294 {
1295 npc->palswapTimeHoldB = timeHoldB;
1296 npc->palswapTimeBtoA = timeBA;
1297 npc->blendPalC = palIndexC;
1298 npc->blendPalD = palIndexD;
s16 palswapTimeBtoA
s16 blendPalC
s16 blendPalD
s16 palswapTimeHoldB

◆ npc_draw_with_palswap()

void npc_draw_with_palswap ( Npc * npc,
s32 arg1,
Matrix4f mtx )

Definition at line 1301 of file npc.c.

1301 {
1302 switch (npc->palSwapType) {
1305 break;
1308 break;
1310 npc_render_with_single_pal_blending(npc, yaw, FALSE, mtx);
1311 break;
1313 npc_render_with_single_pal_blending(npc, yaw, TRUE, mtx);
1314 break;
1317 break;
1318 }
Definition enums.h:1932
Definition enums.h:1930
Definition enums.h:1931
Definition enums.h:1929
void npc_render_without_adjusted_palettes(Npc *npc, s32 arg1, Matrix4f mtx)
Definition npc.c:1321
s32 npc_render_with_single_pal_blending(Npc *npc, s32 yaw, b32 hasDifferentIntervals, Matrix4f mtx)
Definition npc.c:1448
s32 npc_render_with_watt_idle_palettes(Npc *npc, s32 arg1, Matrix4f mtx)
Definition npc.c:1343
s32 npc_render_with_double_pal_blending(Npc *npc, s32 yaw, Matrix4f mtx)
Definition npc.c:1584

Referenced by appendGfx_npc().

◆ npc_render_without_adjusted_palettes()

void npc_render_without_adjusted_palettes ( Npc * npc,
s32 arg1,
Matrix4f mtx )

Definition at line 1321 of file npc.c.

1321 {
1322 if (npc->resetPalAdjust != 0) {
1323 npc->verticalStretch = 1.0f;
1324 npc->screenSpaceOffset2D[0] = 0.0f;
1325 npc->screenSpaceOffset2D[1] = 0.0f;
1326 npc->resetPalAdjust = 0;
1327 }
1329 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1330 s32 alpha = (npc->alpha * npc->hideAlpha / 255);
1331 u32 mask;
1332 if (alpha < 255) {
1334 } else {
1335 mask = 0;
1336 }
1337 spr_draw_npc_sprite(npc->spriteInstanceID | mask, arg1, alpha, NULL, mtx);
1338 } else {
1340 }
Definition sprite.h:22

Referenced by npc_draw_with_palswap().

◆ npc_render_with_watt_idle_palettes()

s32 npc_render_with_watt_idle_palettes ( Npc * npc,
s32 arg1,
Matrix4f mtx )

Definition at line 1343 of file npc.c.

1343 {
1344 s32 i, j;
1345 s32 brightness;
1346 PAL_PTR src;
1347 PAL_PTR dst;
1349 if (npc->resetPalAdjust != 0) {
1351 npc->originalPalettesCount = 0;
1352 while ((s32)npc->originalPalettesList[npc->originalPalettesCount] != -1) {
1353 npc->originalPalettesCount++;
1354 }
1357 for (i = 0; i < npc->originalPalettesCount; i++) {
1358 dst = npc->copiedPalettes[i];
1359 src = npc->originalPalettesList[i];
1360 if (src != NULL) {
1361 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1362 *dst++ = *src++;
1363 }
1364 }
1365 }
1367 npc->palAnimState = -2;
1368 npc->palBlendAlpha = 0;
1369 npc->resetPalAdjust = 0;
1370 npc->nextPalTime = 0;
1371 }
1373 if (npc->nextPalTime == 0) {
1374 npc->palAnimState += 2;
1375 brightness = wWattIdlePalettesAnim[npc->palAnimState];
1376 if (brightness == 255) {
1377 npc->palAnimState = 0;
1378 }
1379 npc->nextPalTime = wWattIdlePalettesAnim[npc->palAnimState + 1] / 2;
1380 }
1382 brightness = wWattIdlePalettesAnim[npc->palAnimState];
1383 npc->nextPalTime--;
1385 switch(brightness) {
1386 case WATT_DEFAULT:
1387 for (i = 0; i < npc->spriteColorVariations; i++) {
1388 dst = npc->copiedPalettes[i];
1389 src = npc->originalPalettesList[i];
1390 if (src != NULL) {
1391 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1392 *dst++ = *src++;
1393 }
1394 }
1395 }
1396 break;
1398 for (i = 0; i < npc->spriteColorVariations; i++) {
1399 // use watt's Brightest palettes
1400 dst = npc->copiedPalettes[i];
1401 src = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->spriteColorVariations * SPR_PAL_WorldWatt_Brightest + i];
1402 if (src != NULL) {
1403 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1404 *dst++ = *src++;
1405 }
1406 }
1407 }
1408 break;
1409 case WATT_BRIGHTER:
1410 for (i = 0; i < npc->spriteColorVariations; i++) {
1411 // use watt's Brighter palettes
1412 dst = npc->copiedPalettes[i];
1413 src = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->spriteColorVariations * SPR_PAL_WorldWatt_Brighter + i];
1414 if (src != NULL) {
1415 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1416 *dst++ = *src++;
1417 }
1418 }
1419 }
1420 break;
1421 }
1423 for (i = 0; i < npc->originalPalettesCount; i++) {
1424 npc->adjustedPalettes[i] = npc->copiedPalettes[i];
1425 }
1427 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1428 s32 alpha = npc->alpha * npc->hideAlpha / 255;
1429 u32 mask = 0;
1430 if (alpha < 255) {
1432 }
1434 spr_draw_npc_sprite(npc->spriteInstanceID | mask, arg1, alpha, npc->adjustedPalettes, mtx);
1435 }
1436 npc->palBlendAlpha--;
Definition npc.c:29
Definition npc.c:27
Definition npc.c:28
u8 wWattIdlePalettesAnim[]
Definition npc.c:32
#define SPR_PAL_SIZE
Definition macros.h:142
Definition sprite.h:20
s16 nextPalTime
s16 palBlendAlpha
u16 * adjustedPalettes[16]
u16 copiedPalettes[16][16]

Referenced by npc_draw_with_palswap().

◆ npc_blend_palette_colors()

u16 npc_blend_palette_colors ( u16 colorA,
u16 colorB,
s32 lerpAlpha )

Definition at line 1439 of file npc.c.

1439 {
1440 u8 r = (UNPACK_PAL_R(colorA) * (255 - lerpAlpha) + UNPACK_PAL_R(colorB) * lerpAlpha) / 255;
1441 u8 g = (UNPACK_PAL_G(colorA) * (255 - lerpAlpha) + UNPACK_PAL_G(colorB) * lerpAlpha) / 255;
1442 u8 b = (UNPACK_PAL_B(colorA) * (255 - lerpAlpha) + UNPACK_PAL_B(colorB) * lerpAlpha) / 255;
1443 u8 a = UNPACK_PAL_A(colorB);
1445 return PACK_PAL_RGBA(r, g, b, a);
#define UNPACK_PAL_B(color)
Definition macros.h:269
#define UNPACK_PAL_R(color)
Definition macros.h:267
#define UNPACK_PAL_A(color)
Definition macros.h:270
#define UNPACK_PAL_G(color)
Definition macros.h:268
#define PACK_PAL_RGBA(r, g, b, a)
Definition macros.h:272

Referenced by npc_render_with_double_pal_blending(), and npc_render_with_single_pal_blending().

◆ npc_render_with_single_pal_blending()

s32 npc_render_with_single_pal_blending ( Npc * npc,
s32 yaw,
s32 hasDifferentIntervals,
Matrix4f mtx )

Definition at line 1448 of file npc.c.

1448 {
1449 PAL_PTR color1;
1450 PAL_PTR color2;
1451 PAL_PTR outColor;
1452 s32 i, j;
1453 s32 blendAlpha;
1455 // copy palettes from sprite data
1456 if (npc->resetPalAdjust != 0) {
1457 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1459 }
1461 npc->originalPalettesCount = 0;
1462 while ((s32)npc->originalPalettesList[npc->originalPalettesCount] != -1) {
1463 npc->originalPalettesCount++;
1464 }
1466 if (npc->resetPalAdjust == 1) {
1468 npc->palBlendAlpha = 0;
1469 } else {
1471 npc->palBlendAlpha = 255;
1472 }
1474 for (i = 0; i < npc->originalPalettesCount; i++) {
1475 color1 = npc->copiedPalettes[i];
1476 color2 = npc->originalPalettesList[i];
1477 npc->adjustedPalettes[i] = color1;
1478 if (color2 != NULL) {
1479 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1480 *color1++ = *color2++;
1481 }
1482 }
1483 }
1485 if (!hasDifferentIntervals) {
1488 npc->palswapTimeBtoA = npc->palswapTimeAtoB;
1489 npc->palswapTimeHoldA = 0;
1490 }
1492 npc->nextPalTime = npc->palswapTimeHoldA;
1493 npc->palBlendAlpha = 0;
1495 npc->resetPalAdjust = 0;
1496 }
1498 // blending from A -> B
1499 switch (npc->palAnimState) {
1500 case PAL_SWAP_HOLD_A:
1501 if (npc->nextPalTime != 0) {
1502 npc->nextPalTime--;
1503 break;
1504 } else {
1505 npc->palBlendAlpha = 0;
1507 }
1508 // fallthrough
1509 case PAL_SWAP_A_TO_B:
1510 npc->palBlendAlpha += 25600 / npc->palswapTimeAtoB;
1511 if (npc->palBlendAlpha > 25500) {
1512 npc->palBlendAlpha = 25500;
1513 }
1514 blendAlpha = npc->palBlendAlpha / 100;
1515 // blend two palettes
1516 outColor = npc->copiedPalettes[0];
1517 color2 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalA];
1518 color1 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalB];
1519 npc->adjustedPalettes[0] = outColor;
1521 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1522 *outColor++ = npc_blend_palette_colors(*color2++, *color1++, blendAlpha);
1523 }
1525 if (blendAlpha == 255) {
1527 npc->nextPalTime = npc->palswapTimeHoldB;
1528 }
1529 break;
1530 }
1532 // blending from B -> A
1533 switch (npc->palAnimState) {
1534 case PAL_SWAP_HOLD_B:
1535 if (npc->nextPalTime != 0) {
1536 npc->nextPalTime--;
1537 break;
1538 } else {
1539 npc->palBlendAlpha = 0;
1541 }
1542 // fallthrough
1543 case PAL_SWAP_B_TO_A:
1544 npc->palBlendAlpha += 25600 / npc->palswapTimeBtoA;
1545 if (npc->palBlendAlpha > 25500) {
1546 npc->palBlendAlpha = 25500;
1547 }
1548 blendAlpha = npc->palBlendAlpha / 100;
1549 // blend two palettes
1550 outColor = npc->copiedPalettes[0];
1551 color2 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalB];
1552 color1 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalA];
1553 npc->adjustedPalettes[0] = outColor;
1555 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1556 *outColor++ = npc_blend_palette_colors(*color2++, *color1++, blendAlpha);
1557 }
1559 if (blendAlpha == 255) {
1561 npc->nextPalTime = npc->palswapTimeHoldA;
1562 }
1563 break;
1564 }
1566 switch (npc->palAnimState) {
1567 case PAL_SWAP_HOLD_A:
1568 case PAL_SWAP_A_TO_B:
1569 case PAL_SWAP_HOLD_B:
1570 case PAL_SWAP_B_TO_A:
1571 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1572 u32 mask = 0;
1573 blendAlpha = npc->alpha * npc->hideAlpha / 255;
1574 if (blendAlpha < 255) {
1576 }
1578 spr_draw_npc_sprite(npc->spriteInstanceID | mask, yaw, blendAlpha, npc->adjustedPalettes, mtx);
1579 }
1580 break;
1581 }
Definition npc.c:21
Definition npc.c:22
Definition npc.c:20
u16 npc_blend_palette_colors(u16 colorA, u16 colorB, s32 lerpAlpha)
Definition npc.c:1439

Referenced by npc_draw_with_palswap().

◆ npc_render_with_double_pal_blending()

s32 npc_render_with_double_pal_blending ( Npc * npc,
s32 yaw,
Matrix4f mtx )
? should this be index 3?

Definition at line 1584 of file npc.c.

1584 {
1585 PAL_PTR color1;
1586 PAL_PTR color2;
1587 PAL_PTR outColor;
1588 s32 i, j;
1589 u8 blendAlpha;
1591 // copy palettes from sprite data
1592 if (npc->resetPalAdjust != 0) {
1593 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1595 }
1597 npc->originalPalettesCount = 0;
1598 while ((s32)npc->originalPalettesList[npc->originalPalettesCount] != -1) {
1599 npc->originalPalettesCount++;
1600 }
1602 if (npc->resetPalAdjust == 1) {
1604 npc->palBlendAlpha = 0;
1605 } else {
1607 npc->palBlendAlpha = 255;
1608 }
1610 for (i = 0; i < npc->originalPalettesCount; i++) {
1611 color1 = npc->copiedPalettes[i];
1612 color2 = npc->originalPalettesList[i];
1613 npc->adjustedPalettes[i] = color1;
1614 if (color2 != NULL) {
1615 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1616 *color1++ = *color2++;
1617 }
1618 }
1619 }
1621 npc->nextPalTime = npc->palswapTimeHoldA;
1622 npc->palBlendAlpha = 0;
1624 npc->resetPalAdjust = 0;
1625 }
1627 // blending from A -> B
1628 switch (npc->palAnimState) {
1629 case PAL_SWAP_HOLD_A:
1630 if (npc->nextPalTime != 0) {
1631 npc->nextPalTime--;
1632 break;
1633 }
1634 npc->palBlendAlpha = 0;
1636 // fallthrough
1637 case PAL_SWAP_A_TO_B:
1638 npc->palBlendAlpha += 25600 / npc->palswapTimeAtoB;
1639 if (npc->palBlendAlpha > 25500) {
1640 npc->palBlendAlpha = 25500;
1641 }
1642 blendAlpha = npc->palBlendAlpha / 100;
1644 // blend first two palettes
1645 outColor = npc->copiedPalettes[0];
1646 color2 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalA];
1647 color1 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalB];
1648 npc->adjustedPalettes[0] = outColor;
1650 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1651 *outColor++ = npc_blend_palette_colors(*color2++, *color1++, blendAlpha);
1652 }
1654 // blend next palettes
1655 outColor = npc->copiedPalettes[3];
1656 color2 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalC];
1657 color1 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalD];
1658 npc->adjustedPalettes[3] = outColor;
1660 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1661 *outColor++ = npc_blend_palette_colors(*color2++, *color1++, blendAlpha);
1662 }
1664 if (blendAlpha == 255) {
1666 npc->nextPalTime = npc->palswapTimeHoldB;
1667 }
1668 break;
1669 }
1671 // blending from B -> A
1672 switch (npc->palAnimState) {
1673 case PAL_SWAP_HOLD_B:
1674 if (npc->nextPalTime != 0) {
1675 npc->nextPalTime--;
1676 break;
1677 } else {
1678 npc->palBlendAlpha = 0;
1680 }
1681 // fallthrough
1682 case PAL_SWAP_B_TO_A:
1683 npc->palBlendAlpha += 25600 / npc->palswapTimeBtoA;
1684 if (npc->palBlendAlpha > 25500) {
1685 npc->palBlendAlpha = 25500;
1686 }
1687 blendAlpha = npc->palBlendAlpha / 100;
1689 // blend first two palettes
1690 outColor = npc->copiedPalettes[0];
1691 color2 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalB];
1692 color1 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalA];
1693 npc->adjustedPalettes[0] = outColor;
1695 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1696 *outColor++ = npc_blend_palette_colors(*color2++, *color1++, blendAlpha);
1697 }
1699 // blend next palettes
1700 outColor = npc->copiedPalettes[1];
1701 color2 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalD];
1702 color1 = npc->originalPalettesList[npc->blendPalC];
1703 npc->adjustedPalettes[3] = npc->copiedPalettes[3];
1705 for (j = 0; j < SPR_PAL_SIZE; j++) {
1706 *outColor++ = npc_blend_palette_colors(*color2++, *color1++, blendAlpha);
1707 }
1709 if (blendAlpha == 255) {
1711 npc->nextPalTime = npc->palswapTimeHoldA;
1712 }
1713 break;
1714 }
1716 switch (npc->palAnimState) {
1717 case PAL_SWAP_HOLD_A:
1718 case PAL_SWAP_A_TO_B:
1719 case PAL_SWAP_HOLD_B:
1720 case PAL_SWAP_B_TO_A:
1721 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1722 u32 mask = 0;
1723 blendAlpha = npc->alpha * npc->hideAlpha / 255;
1724 if (blendAlpha < 255) {
1726 }
1728 spr_draw_npc_sprite(npc->spriteInstanceID | mask, yaw, blendAlpha, npc->adjustedPalettes, mtx);
1729 }
1730 break;
1731 }

Referenced by npc_draw_with_palswap().

◆ npc_set_decoration()

void npc_set_decoration ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx,
s32 decorationType )

Definition at line 1734 of file npc.c.

1734 {
1735 npc_remove_decoration(npc, idx);
1736 npc->decorationType[idx] = decorationType;
1737 npc->changedDecoration[idx] = 1;
1738 npc->decorationInitialized[idx] = 0;
s8 changedDecoration[2]
s8 decorationInitialized[2]

◆ npc_remove_decoration()

void npc_remove_decoration ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1741 of file npc.c.

1741 {
1742 switch (npc->decorationType[idx]) {
1745 break;
1748 break;
1751 break;
1754 break;
1757 break;
1760 break;
1763 break;
1764 }
Definition enums.h:1923
Definition enums.h:1919
Definition enums.h:1924
Definition enums.h:1920
Definition enums.h:1918
Definition enums.h:1922
Definition enums.h:1921
void npc_remove_decoration_glow_in_front(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1906
void npc_remove_decoration_sweat(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1864
void npc_remove_decoration_bowser_aura(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1839
void npc_remove_decoration_none(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1816
void npc_remove_decoration_glow_behind(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1928
void npc_remove_decoration_charged(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1966
void npc_remove_decoration_seeing_stars(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1884

Referenced by free_npc(), free_npc_by_index(), and npc_set_decoration().

◆ npc_update_decorations()

s32 npc_update_decorations ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 1768 of file npc.c.

1768 {
1769 s32 i;
1771 for (i = 0; i < MAX_NPC_DECORATIONS; i++) {
1772 switch (npc->decorationType[i]) {
1775 break;
1778 break;
1781 break;
1784 break;
1787 break;
1790 break;
1793 break;
1794 }
1795 }
void npc_update_decoration_charged(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1932
void npc_update_decoration_seeing_stars(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1867
void npc_update_decoration_glow_in_front(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1888
void npc_update_decoration_bowser_aura(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1819
void npc_update_decoration_glow_behind(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1910
void npc_update_decoration_sweat(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1843
void npc_update_decoration_none(Npc *npc, s32 idx)
Definition npc.c:1813

Referenced by update_npcs().

◆ npc_reset_current_decoration()

void npc_reset_current_decoration ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1798 of file npc.c.

1798 {
1799 switch (npc->decorationType[idx]) {
1806 break;
1808 npc->decorationInitialized[idx] = 0;
1809 break;
1810 }

Referenced by npc_reload_all().

◆ npc_update_decoration_none()

void npc_update_decoration_none ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1813 of file npc.c.

1813 {

Referenced by npc_update_decorations().

◆ npc_remove_decoration_none()

void npc_remove_decoration_none ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1816 of file npc.c.

1816 {

Referenced by npc_remove_decoration().

◆ npc_update_decoration_bowser_aura()

void npc_update_decoration_bowser_aura ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1819 of file npc.c.

1819 {
1820 AuraFXData* data;
1822 switch (npc->decorationInitialized[idx]) {
1823 case 0:
1824 fx_aura(FX_AURA_BLUE, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y, npc->pos.z, 1.0f, &npc->decorations[idx]);
1825 npc->decorationInitialized[idx] = 1;
1826 // fallthrough
1827 case 1:
1828 data = npc->decorations[idx]->data.aura;
1829 data->posA.x = npc->pos.x;
1830 data->posA.y = npc->pos.y;
1831 data->posA.z = npc->pos.z;
1832 data->scale.x = (npc->scale.x * npc->collisionDiameter) * 0.01;
1833 data->scale.y = (npc->scale.y * npc->collisionHeight) * 0.01;
1834 data->renderYaw = npc->renderYaw;
1835 break;
1836 }
f32 renderYaw
Definition effects.h:1013
Vec2f scale
Definition effects.h:996
Vec3f posA
Definition effects.h:994
Definition effects.h:988
struct AuraFXData * aura
Definition effects.h:2523
EffectData data
Definition effects.h:2605

Referenced by npc_update_decorations().

◆ npc_remove_decoration_bowser_aura()

void npc_remove_decoration_bowser_aura ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1839 of file npc.c.

1839 {
1840 npc->decorations[idx]->data.aura->fadeTime = 5;
s32 fadeTime
Definition effects.h:999

Referenced by npc_remove_decoration().

◆ npc_update_decoration_sweat()

void npc_update_decoration_sweat ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1843 of file npc.c.

1843 {
1844 switch (npc->decorationInitialized[idx]) {
1845 case 0:
1846 if (npc->yawCamOffset > 90) {
1847 fx_sweat(0, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight, npc->pos.z, 5.0f, 45.0f, 20);
1848 } else {
1849 fx_sweat(0, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight, npc->pos.z, 5.0f, -45.0f, 20);
1850 }
1851 npc->decorationGlowPhase[idx] = 10;
1852 npc->decorationInitialized[idx] = 1;
1853 break;
1854 case 1:
1855 if (npc->decorationGlowPhase[idx] != 0) {
1856 npc->decorationGlowPhase[idx]--;
1857 } else {
1858 npc->decorationInitialized[idx] = 0;
1859 }
1860 break;
1861 }
s16 decorationGlowPhase[2]

Referenced by npc_update_decorations().

◆ npc_remove_decoration_sweat()

void npc_remove_decoration_sweat ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1864 of file npc.c.

1864 {

Referenced by npc_remove_decoration().

◆ npc_update_decoration_seeing_stars()

void npc_update_decoration_seeing_stars ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1867 of file npc.c.

1867 {
1868 StarsOrbitingFXData* data;
1870 switch (npc->decorationInitialized[idx]) {
1871 case 0:
1872 fx_stars_orbiting(0, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight, npc->pos.z, 20.0f, 3, &npc->decorations[idx]);
1873 npc->decorationInitialized[idx] = 1;
1874 break;
1875 case 1:
1876 data = npc->decorations[idx]->data.starsOrbiting;
1877 data->pos.x = npc->pos.x;
1878 data->pos.y = npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight;
1879 data->pos.z = npc->pos.z;
1880 break;
1881 }
struct StarsOrbitingFXData * starsOrbiting
Definition effects.h:2511

Referenced by npc_update_decorations().

◆ npc_remove_decoration_seeing_stars()

void npc_remove_decoration_seeing_stars ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1884 of file npc.c.

1884 {
1885 remove_effect(npc->decorations[idx]);
#define remove_effect

Referenced by npc_remove_decoration().

◆ npc_update_decoration_glow_in_front()

void npc_update_decoration_glow_in_front ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1888 of file npc.c.

1888 {
1889 EnergyOrbWaveFXData* data;
1891 switch (npc->decorationInitialized[idx]) {
1892 case 0:
1893 npc->decorations[idx] = fx_energy_orb_wave(2, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight * 0.5, npc->pos.z, npc->scale.x * 0.8 + 0.2f, -1);
1894 npc->decorationInitialized[idx] = 1;
1895 break;
1896 case 1:
1897 data = npc->decorations[idx]->data.energyOrbWave;
1898 data->pos.x = npc->pos.x;
1899 data->pos.y = npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight * 0.5 * npc->scale.x;
1900 data->pos.z = npc->pos.z;
1901 data->scale = npc->scale.x * 0.8 + 0.2f;
1902 break;
1903 }
struct EnergyOrbWaveFXData * energyOrbWave
Definition effects.h:2546

Referenced by npc_update_decorations().

◆ npc_remove_decoration_glow_in_front()

void npc_remove_decoration_glow_in_front ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1906 of file npc.c.

1906 {
1907 remove_effect(npc->decorations[idx]);

Referenced by npc_remove_decoration().

◆ npc_update_decoration_glow_behind()

void npc_update_decoration_glow_behind ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1910 of file npc.c.

1910 {
1911 EnergyOrbWaveFXData* data;
1913 switch (npc->decorationInitialized[idx]) {
1914 case 0:
1915 npc->decorations[idx] = fx_energy_orb_wave(2, npc->pos.x, npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight * 0.5, npc->pos.z - 5.0f, 1.0f, 0);
1916 npc->decorationInitialized[idx] = 1;
1917 break;
1918 case 1:
1919 data = npc->decorations[idx]->data.energyOrbWave;
1920 data->pos.x = npc->pos.x;
1921 data->pos.y = npc->pos.y + npc->collisionHeight * 0.5;
1922 data->pos.z = npc->pos.z - 5.0f;
1923 data->scale = 1.0f;
1924 break;
1925 }

Referenced by npc_update_decorations().

◆ npc_remove_decoration_glow_behind()

void npc_remove_decoration_glow_behind ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1928 of file npc.c.

1928 {
1929 remove_effect(npc->decorations[idx]);

Referenced by npc_remove_decoration().

◆ npc_update_decoration_charged()

void npc_update_decoration_charged ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1932 of file npc.c.

1932 {
1933 #define RGBA_BUF_SIZE 20
1934 u8 rbuf[RGBA_BUF_SIZE];
1935 u8 gbuf[RGBA_BUF_SIZE];
1936 u8 bbuf[RGBA_BUF_SIZE];
1937 s32 color;
1938 s32 alpha;
1939 s32 i;
1941 if (npc->decorationInitialized[idx] == 0) {
1943 npc->decorationInitialized[idx] = 1;
1944 }
1945 if (npc->decorationInitialized[idx] == 1) {
1946 npc->decorationGlowPhase[idx] += 7;
1947 if (npc->decorationGlowPhase[idx] >= 360) {
1948 npc->decorationGlowPhase[idx] %= 360;
1949 }
1951 for (i = 0; i < RGBA_BUF_SIZE; i++) {
1952 rbuf[i] = (cosine(npc->decorationGlowPhase[idx] + (25 * i)) + 1.0) * 80.0f;
1953 gbuf[i] = (cosine(npc->decorationGlowPhase[idx] + (25 * i) + 45) + 1.0) * 80.0f;
1954 bbuf[i] = (cosine(npc->decorationGlowPhase[idx] + (25 * i) + 90) + 1.0) * 80.0f;
1955 }
1957 alpha = 255;
1958 for (i = 0; i < RGBA_BUF_SIZE; i++) {
1959 color = (rbuf[i] << 24) | (gbuf[i] << 16) | (bbuf[i] << 8) | alpha;
1961 }
1962 }
1963 #undef RGBA_BUF_SIZE
Definition enums.h:5134
Definition enums.h:5129
f32 cosine(s16 arg0)
Definition 43F0.c:354

Referenced by npc_update_decorations().

◆ npc_remove_decoration_charged()

void npc_remove_decoration_charged ( Npc * npc,
s32 idx )

Definition at line 1966 of file npc.c.

1966 {

Referenced by npc_remove_decoration().

◆ npc_find_closest()

Npc * npc_find_closest ( f32 x,
f32 y,
f32 z,
f32 radius )

Finds the closest NPC to a given point within a radius.

Ignores Y position.

NPCs with NPC_FLAG_PARTNER set are ignored. See also npc_find_closest_simple(), which requires that NPC_FLAG_PARTNER be set.

xX position
yY position (unused)
zZ position
radiusNo NPCs further than this distance will be considered
NULL if there are no NPCs within radius

Definition at line 1969 of file npc.c.

1969 {
1970 Npc* closestNpc = NULL;
1971 f32 closestDist = radius;
1972 f32 maxDist = radius;
1973 s32 i;
1975 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(*gCurrentNpcListPtr); i++) {
1976 Npc* npc = (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i];
1978 if (npc != NULL && npc->flags != 0 && !(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER)) {
1979 if (!(npc->flags & (NPC_FLAG_SUSPENDED | NPC_FLAG_INACTIVE))) {
1980 f32 distance = fabsf(dist2D(npc->pos.x, npc->pos.z, x, z));
1982 if (distance <= maxDist) {
1983 if (distance < closestDist) {
1984 closestDist = distance;
1985 closestNpc = npc;
1986 }
1987 }
1988 }
1989 }
1990 }
1992 return closestNpc;

Referenced by parasol_get_npc().

◆ npc_find_closest_simple()

Npc * npc_find_closest_simple ( f32 x,
f32 y,
f32 z,
f32 radius )

Finds the closest simple-hitbox NPC to a given point within a radius.

Ignores Y position.

Only NPCs with NPC_FLAG_PARTNER set are considered. See also npc_find_closest(), which requires that NPC_FLAG_PARTNER be unset.

xX position
yY position (unused)
zZ position
radiusNo NPCs further than this distance will be considered
NULL if there are no NPCs within radius

Definition at line 1995 of file npc.c.

1995 {
1996 Npc* closestNpc = NULL;
1997 f32 closestDist = radius;
1998 f32 maxDist = radius;
1999 s32 i;
2001 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(*gCurrentNpcListPtr); i++) {
2002 Npc* npc = (*gCurrentNpcListPtr)[i];
2004 if (npc != NULL && npc->flags != 0 && (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER)) {
2005 if (!(npc->flags & (NPC_FLAG_SUSPENDED | NPC_FLAG_INACTIVE))) {
2006 f32 distance = fabsf(dist2D(npc->pos.x, npc->pos.z, x, z));
2008 if (distance <= maxDist) {
2009 if (distance < closestDist) {
2010 closestDist = distance;
2011 closestNpc = npc;
2012 }
2013 }
2014 }
2015 }
2016 }
2018 return closestNpc;

Referenced by entity_Tweester_idle().

◆ npc_get_collider_below()

s32 npc_get_collider_below ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 2069 of file npc.c.

2069 {
2070 f32 x;
2071 f32 y;
2072 f32 z;
2073 f32 yaw;
2075 if (npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_PARTNER) {
2076 y = get_shadow_by_index(npc->shadowIndex)->pos.y + 13.0f;
2077 } else {
2078 y = npc->pos.y + 13.0f;
2079 }
2081 yaw = 16.0f;
2082 x = npc->pos.x;
2083 z = npc->pos.z;
2086 if (yaw <= 16.0f) {
2087 return NpcHitQueryColliderID;
2088 }
2089 }
2090 return 0;
Definition enums.h:4695

Referenced by npc_find_standing_on_entity().

◆ npc_imgfx_update()

void npc_imgfx_update ( Npc * npc)

Definition at line 2093 of file npc.c.

2093 {
2094 s32 imgfxType = npc->imgfxType;
2095 s32 imgfxArg1 = npc->imgfxArg1;
2096 s32 imgfxArg2 = npc->imgfxArg2;
2097 s32 imgfxArg3 = npc->imgfxArg3;
2098 s32 imgfxArg4 = npc->imgfxArg4;
2099 s32 imgfxFlags = npc->imgfxFlags;
2101 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_CLEAR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2103 switch (imgfxType) {
2104 case IMGFX_CLEAR:
2106 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_CLEAR, 0, 0, 0, 0, imgfxFlags);
2107 break;
2108 case IMGFX_UNK_2:
2109 case IMGFX_RESET:
2111 // fallthrough
2112 case IMGFX_UNK_1:
2113 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, imgfxType, 0, 0, 0, 0, imgfxFlags);
2114 break;
2115 case IMGFX_SET_WAVY:
2117 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_SET_WAVY, imgfxArg1, imgfxArg2, imgfxArg3, 0, imgfxFlags);
2118 break;
2119 case IMGFX_SET_COLOR:
2121 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_SET_COLOR, imgfxArg1, imgfxArg2, imgfxArg3, 255, imgfxFlags);
2122 break;
2123 case IMGFX_SET_ALPHA:
2125 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_SET_ALPHA, 255, 255, 255, imgfxArg1, imgfxFlags);
2126 break;
2127 case IMGFX_SET_TINT:
2129 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_SET_TINT, imgfxArg1, imgfxArg2, imgfxArg3, imgfxArg4, imgfxFlags);
2130 break;
2133 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_SET_WHITE_FADE, imgfxArg1, imgfxArg2, imgfxArg3, 255, imgfxFlags);
2134 break;
2137 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_SET_CREDITS_FADE, imgfxArg1, imgfxArg2, imgfxArg3, imgfxArg4, imgfxFlags);
2138 break;
2139 case IMGFX_SET_ANIM:
2141 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_SET_ANIM, imgfxArg1, imgfxArg2, imgfxArg3, 0, imgfxFlags);
2142 break;
2145 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_HOLOGRAM, imgfxArg1, imgfxArg2, imgfxArg3, imgfxArg4, imgfxFlags);
2146 break;
2149 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_FILL_COLOR, imgfxArg1, imgfxArg2, imgfxArg3, 255, imgfxFlags);
2150 break;
2151 case IMGFX_OVERLAY:
2153 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_OVERLAY, imgfxArg1, 255, 0, 255, imgfxFlags);
2154 break;
2157 set_npc_imgfx_all(npc->spriteInstanceID, IMGFX_OVERLAY, imgfxArg1, imgfxArg2, 0, imgfxArg2, imgfxFlags);
2158 break;
2159 }
Definition enums.h:5120
Definition enums.h:5130
Definition enums.h:5123
Definition enums.h:5133
Definition enums.h:5132
Definition enums.h:5121
Definition enums.h:5131
Definition enums.h:5127
Definition enums.h:5125
Definition enums.h:5126
Definition enums.h:5122
Definition enums.h:5119
Definition enums.h:5118
Definition enums.h:3287
Definition enums.h:3276
s16 imgfxArg2
s16 imgfxArg3
s16 imgfxArg4
s16 imgfxArg1

Referenced by appendGfx_npc_blur(), npc_reload_all(), and npc_set_imgfx_params().

◆ npc_set_imgfx_params()

void npc_set_imgfx_params ( Npc * npc,
s32 arg1,
s32 arg2,
s32 arg3,
s32 arg4,
s32 arg5,
s32 arg6 )

Definition at line 2162 of file npc.c.

2162 {
2163 npc->imgfxType = imgfxType;
2164 npc->imgfxArg1 = arg2;
2165 npc->imgfxArg2 = arg3;
2166 npc->imgfxArg3 = arg4;
2167 npc->imgfxArg4 = arg5;
2168 npc->imgfxFlags = arg6;
2169 npc_imgfx_update(npc);

Referenced by end_outta_sight_cleanup(), reset_outta_sight_alpha_on_menu_close(), and update_riding_physics().

◆ npc_surface_spawn_fx()

void npc_surface_spawn_fx ( Npc * npc,
SurfaceInteractMode mode )

Definition at line 394 of file surfaces.c.

394 {
395 s32 surfaceType;
397 if ((npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_INVISIBLE) || !(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_TOUCHES_GROUND) || npc->moveSpeed == 0.0f) {
398 return;
399 }
402 switch (surfaceType) {
405 break;
408 break;
410 npc_surface_spawn_snow_fx(npc, mode);
411 break;
414 break;
417 break;
418 default:
420 break;
421 }
used within hedge maze in flo_11
Definition enums.h:4679
Definition enums.h:4678
Definition enums.h:4671
used with clouds in flo_19 and flo_21
Definition enums.h:4677
Definition enums.h:4676
Definition enums.h:4693
s32 get_collider_flags(s32 colliderID)
Definition collision.c:481
void npc_surface_spawn_water_fx(Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
Definition surfaces.c:574
void npc_surface_spawn_snow_fx(Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
Definition surfaces.c:540
void npc_surface_spawn_flower_fx(Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
Definition surfaces.c:469
void npc_surface_spawn_cloud_fx(Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
Definition surfaces.c:502
void npc_surface_spawn_basic_fx(Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
Definition surfaces.c:424
void npc_surface_spawn_hedges_fx(Npc *npc, SurfaceInteractMode mode)
Definition surfaces.c:560

Referenced by _npc_jump_to(), AvoidPlayerAI_Chase(), basic_ai_chase(), CleftAI_Tackle(), GuardAI_Chase(), partner_get_out(), partner_move_to_goal(), partner_walking_follow_player(), PatrolAI_Chase(), PatrolAI_Move(), player_jump(), and update_riding_physics().

◆ spawn_default_surface_effects()

void spawn_default_surface_effects ( Npc * npc,
SurfaceInteractMode mode )

◆ spawn_flower_surface_effects()

void spawn_flower_surface_effects ( Npc * npc,
SurfaceInteractMode mode )

◆ spawn_cloud_surface_effects()

void spawn_cloud_surface_effects ( Npc * npc,
SurfaceInteractMode mode )

◆ spawn_snow_surface_effects()

void spawn_snow_surface_effects ( Npc * npc,
SurfaceInteractMode mode )

◆ spawn_hedge_surface_effects()

void spawn_hedge_surface_effects ( Npc * npc,
SurfaceInteractMode mode )

◆ spawn_water_surface_effects()

void spawn_water_surface_effects ( Npc * npc,
SurfaceInteractMode mode )

◆ COPY_set_defeated()

void COPY_set_defeated ( s32 mapID,
s32 encounterID )

Duplicate of set_defeated().

Definition at line 2172 of file npc.c.

2172 {
2173 EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter;
2174 s32 encounterIdx = encounterID / 32;
2175 s32 encounterShift;
2176 s32 flag;
2178 flag = encounterID % 32;
2179 encounterShift = flag;
2180 flag = currentEncounter->defeatFlags[mapID][encounterIdx];
2181 currentEncounter->defeatFlags[mapID][encounterIdx] = flag | (1 << encounterShift);
2183 // TODO: The below should work but has regalloc issues:
2184 /*EncounterStatus *currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter;
2185 s32 encounterIdx = encounterID / 32;
2186 s32 encounterShift = encounterID % 32;
2188 currentEncounter->defeatFlags[mapID][encounterIdx] |= (1 << encounterShift);*/
EncounterStatus gCurrentEncounter
Definition encounter.c:176
s32 defeatFlags[60][12]
Definition npc.h:403

Referenced by kill_enemy().

◆ init_encounter_status()

void init_encounter_status ( void )

Definition at line 2191 of file npc.c.

2191 {
2192 EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter;
2193 s32 i;
2194 s32 j;
2196 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->encounterList); i++) {
2197 currentEncounter->encounterList[i] = 0;
2198 }
2200 currentEncounter->flags = ENCOUNTER_FLAG_NONE;
2201 currentEncounter->numEncounters = 0;
2202 currentEncounter->firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_NONE;
2203 currentEncounter->hitType = 0;
2204 currentEncounter->battleTriggerCooldown = 0;
2205 currentEncounter->npcGroupList = 0;
2206 currentEncounter->unk_08 = 0;
2207 currentEncounter->dropWhackaBump = FALSE;
2209 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->defeatFlags); i++) {
2210 for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->defeatFlags[i]); j++) {
2211 currentEncounter->defeatFlags[i][j] = 0;
2212 }
2213 }
2215 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->recentMaps); i++) {
2216 currentEncounter->recentMaps[i] = -1;
2217 }
2219 func_80045AC0();
Definition enums.h:4986
Definition enums.h:6294
Definition enums.h:3458
s32 create_worker_world(WorldArgs, WorldArgs)
void func_80045AC0(void)
void npc_render_worker_do_nothing(void)
Definition npc.c:2328
s16 recentMaps[2]
Definition npc.h:404
Encounter * encounterList[24]
Definition npc.h:392
s8 battleTriggerCooldown
set to 15 after victory, 45 after fleeing
Definition npc.h:373
s32 * npcGroupList
Definition npc.h:391
s8 numEncounters
Definition npc.h:384
s8 dropWhackaBump
Definition npc.h:381
s8 firstStrikeType
Definition npc.h:367
s32 gEncounterState
Definition encounter.c:174

Referenced by load_engine_data(), state_step_demo(), state_step_intro(), and state_step_startup().

◆ clear_encounter_status()

void clear_encounter_status ( void )

Definition at line 2224 of file npc.c.

2224 {
2225 EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter;
2226 s32 i;
2227 s32 j;
2229 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->encounterList); i++) {
2230 currentEncounter->encounterList[i] = 0;
2231 }
2234 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->defeatFlags); i++) {
2235 for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->defeatFlags[i]); j++) {
2236 currentEncounter->defeatFlags[i][j] = 0;
2237 }
2238 }
2241 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->recentMaps); i++) {
2242 currentEncounter->recentMaps[i] = -1;
2243 }
2244 }
2245 }
2247 currentEncounter->numEncounters = 0;
2248 currentEncounter->firstStrikeType = FIRST_STRIKE_NONE;
2249 currentEncounter->hitType = 0;
2250 currentEncounter->battleTriggerCooldown = 0;
2251 currentEncounter->curAreaIndex = gGameStatusPtr->areaID;
2252 currentEncounter->curMapIndex = gGameStatusPtr->mapID;
2253 currentEncounter->curEntryIndex = gGameStatusPtr->entryID;
2254 currentEncounter->npcGroupList = 0;
2255 currentEncounter->unk_08 = 0;
2256 currentEncounter->scriptedBattle = FALSE;
2258 func_80045AC0();
s8 scriptedBattle
battle started by StartBattle but not by encounter
Definition npc.h:380
u8 curMapIndex
Definition npc.h:386
u8 curEntryIndex
Definition npc.h:387
s8 curAreaIndex
Definition npc.h:385

Referenced by load_demo_battle(), and load_map_by_IDs().

◆ func_8003E50C()

void func_8003E50C ( void )

Definition at line 2263 of file npc.c.

2263 {

◆ func_8003E514()

void func_8003E514 ( s8 arg0)

Definition at line 2266 of file npc.c.

2266 {

Referenced by btl_state_update_end_battle().

◆ update_encounters()

void update_encounters ( void )

Definition at line 2270 of file npc.c.

2270 {
2271 switch (gEncounterState) {
2273 break;
2276 break;
2279 break;
2282 break;
2285 break;
2288 break;
2289 }
Definition enums.h:6299
Definition enums.h:6298
Definition enums.h:6296
Definition enums.h:6297
Definition enums.h:6295
void create_encounters(void)
Definition encounter.c:2461
void update_encounters_conversation(void)
Definition encounter.c:2263
void update_encounters_neutral(void)
Definition encounter.c:481
void update_encounters_post_battle(void)
Definition encounter.c:1619
void update_encounters_pre_battle(void)
Definition encounter.c:1261
void update_merlee_messages(void)

Referenced by state_step_battle(), state_step_change_map(), state_step_enter_world(), state_step_game_over(), state_step_intro(), state_step_pause(), state_step_unpause(), and state_step_world().

◆ draw_encounter_ui()

void draw_encounter_ui ( void )

Definition at line 2294 of file npc.c.

2294 {
2295 switch (gEncounterState) {
2297 break;
2300 break;
2303 break;
2306 break;
2309 break;
2312 break;
2313 }
void init_encounters_ui(void)
Definition encounter.c:2815
void draw_encounters_pre_battle(void)
Definition encounter.c:1487
void draw_merlee_messages(void)
void draw_encounters_conversation(void)
Definition encounter.c:2319
void draw_encounters_neutral(void)
Definition encounter.c:1258
void draw_encounters_post_battle(void)
Definition encounter.c:2253

Referenced by state_drawUI_battle(), and state_drawUI_world().

◆ draw_first_strike_ui()

void draw_first_strike_ui ( void )

Definition at line 2318 of file npc.c.

2318 {
2319 switch (gEncounterState) {
2321 break;
2324 break;
2325 }
void show_first_strike_message(void)
Definition encounter.c:1563

Referenced by state_world_draw_aux_ui().

◆ npc_render_worker_do_nothing()

void npc_render_worker_do_nothing ( void )

Definition at line 2328 of file npc.c.

2328 {

Referenced by clear_encounter_status(), and init_encounter_status().

◆ make_npcs()

void make_npcs ( s32 flags,
s32 mapID,
s32 * npcGroupList )

Definition at line 2331 of file npc.c.

2331 {
2332 EncounterStatus* currentEncounter = &gCurrentEncounter;
2333 s32 i;
2334 s32 j;
2336 currentEncounter->resetMapEncounterFlags = flags;
2337 currentEncounter->mapID = mapID;
2338 currentEncounter->npcGroupList = npcGroupList;
2341 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->defeatFlags); i++) {
2342 for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->defeatFlags[i]); j++) {
2343 currentEncounter->defeatFlags[i][j] = 0;
2344 }
2345 }
2348 for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(currentEncounter->recentMaps); i++) {
2349 currentEncounter->recentMaps[i] = -1;
2350 }
2351 }
2352 }
2354 if (npcGroupList != NULL) {
2356 EncounterStateChanged = TRUE;
2358 }
s8 flags
Definition demo_api.c:15
Definition enums.h:6303
s8 resetMapEncounterFlags
Definition npc.h:389
b32 EncounterStateChanged
Definition encounter.c:24
s32 gEncounterSubState
Definition encounter.c:175

◆ kill_encounter()

s32 kill_encounter ( Enemy * enemy)

Definition at line 2361 of file npc.c.

2361 {
2363 s32 i;
2365 for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) {
2366 Enemy* currentEnemy = encounter->enemy[i];
2367 if (currentEnemy != NULL) {
2368 kill_enemy(currentEnemy);
2369 encounter->enemy[i] = NULL;
2370 }
2371 }
void kill_enemy(Enemy *enemy)
Definition npc.c:2374
s8 encounterIndex
Definition npc.h:296
Enemy * enemy[16]
Definition npc.h:352
s32 count
Definition npc.h:351
Definition npc.h:294

◆ kill_enemy()

void kill_enemy ( Enemy * enemy)

Definition at line 2374 of file npc.c.

2374 {
2375 EncounterStatus* encounterStatus = &gCurrentEncounter;
2376 Encounter* encounter = encounterStatus->encounterList[enemy->encounterIndex];
2377 s32 i;
2378 s32 j;
2380 for (i = 0; i < encounter->count; i++) {
2381 Enemy* currentEnemy = encounter->enemy[i];
2382 if (currentEnemy == enemy) {
2383 break;
2384 }
2385 }
2387 if (enemy->initScript != NULL) {
2389 }
2390 if (enemy->interactScript != NULL) {
2392 }
2393 if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) {
2395 }
2396 if (enemy->hitScript != NULL) {
2398 }
2399 if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) {
2401 }
2402 if (enemy->defeatScript != NULL) {
2404 }
2406 enemy->interactBytecode = NULL;
2407 enemy->aiBytecode = NULL;
2408 enemy->hitBytecode = NULL;
2409 enemy->auxBytecode = NULL;
2410 enemy->defeatBytecode = NULL;
2412 #if DX_DEBUG_MENU
2413 if (enemy->npcID != (s16) DX_DEBUG_DUMMY_ID) {
2414 free_npc(get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID));
2415 }
2416 #else
2417 free_npc(get_npc_unsafe(enemy->npcID));
2418 #endif
2420 if (enemy->unk_64 != NULL) {
2421 heap_free(enemy->unk_64);
2422 }
2424 for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_COUNT(encounter->enemy); j++) {
2425 if (encounter->enemy[j] == enemy) {
2426 encounter->enemy[j] = NULL;
2427 }
2428 }
2430 if (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_DO_NOT_KILL)
2431 && (!(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_ENABLE_HIT_SCRIPT) || (enemy == encounterStatus->curEnemy))
2432 && !(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_PASSIVE)
2433 && !(enemy->flags & ENEMY_FLAG_FLED)
2434 ) {
2435 COPY_set_defeated(encounterStatus->mapID, encounter->encounterID + i);
2436 }
2438 heap_free(enemy);
Definition enums.h:4523
Definition enums.h:4521
Definition enums.h:4525
Definition enums.h:4524
void kill_script_by_ID(s32 id)
void free_npc(Npc *npc)
Definition npc.c:237
Npc * get_npc_unsafe(s32 npcID)
Definition npc.c:995
void COPY_set_defeated(s32 mapID, s32 encounterID)
Duplicate of set_defeated().
Definition npc.c:2172
struct Evt * interactScript
Definition npc.h:312
s32 flags
Definition npc.h:295
s16 npcID
Definition npc.h:300
s32 interactScriptID
Definition npc.h:318
s16 encounterID
Definition npc.h:355
struct Evt * hitScript
Definition npc.h:314
EvtScript * hitBytecode
Definition npc.h:308
s32 auxScriptID
Definition npc.h:321
s32 initScriptID
Definition npc.h:317
Enemy * curEnemy
Definition npc.h:394
struct Evt * defeatScript
Definition npc.h:316
EvtScript * interactBytecode
Definition npc.h:306
s32 aiScriptID
Definition npc.h:319
struct Evt * initScript
Definition npc.h:311
s32 defeatScriptID
Definition npc.h:322
struct Evt * auxScript
Definition npc.h:315
void * unk_64
Definition npc.h:323
EvtScript * defeatBytecode
Definition npc.h:310
EvtScript * aiBytecode
Definition npc.h:307
struct Evt * aiScript
Definition npc.h:313
EvtScript * auxBytecode
Definition npc.h:309
s32 hitScriptID
Definition npc.h:320

Referenced by kill_encounter(), and update_encounters_post_battle().

◆ bind_enemy_ai()

s32 bind_enemy_ai ( Enemy * enemy,
EvtScript * aiScriptBytecode )

Binds the specified ai script to the specified enemy.

enemypointer to the enemy to bind the script to
aiScriptBytecodepointer to the script to be bound.

Definition at line 2441 of file npc.c.

2441 {
2442 Evt* aiScript;
2443 s32 id;
2445 if (enemy->aiScript != NULL) {
2446 kill_script_by_ID(enemy->aiScript->id);
2447 }
2448 enemy->aiBytecode = aiScriptBytecode;
2449 aiScript = enemy->aiScript = start_script(aiScriptBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0);
2450 id = enemy->aiScriptID = aiScript->id;
2451 aiScript->owner1.enemy = enemy;
2452 return id;
union Evt::@8 owner1
Initially -1.
Definition evt.h:153
Evt * start_script(EvtScript *source, s32 priority, s32 initialState)

Referenced by bind_npc_ai().

◆ bind_enemy_aux()

s32 bind_enemy_aux ( Enemy * enemy,
EvtScript * auxScriptBytecode )

Binds the specified auxillary script to the specified enemy.

enemypointer to the enemy to bind the script to
auxScriptBytecodepointer to the script to be bound.

Definition at line 2455 of file npc.c.

2455 {
2456 Evt* auxScript;
2457 s32 id;
2459 if (enemy->auxScript != NULL) {
2461 }
2462 enemy->auxBytecode = auxScriptBytecode;
2463 auxScript = enemy->auxScript = start_script(auxScriptBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0);
2464 id = enemy->auxScriptID = auxScript->id;
2465 auxScript->owner1.enemy = enemy;
2466 return id;

Referenced by bind_npc_aux().

◆ bind_enemy_interact()

s32 bind_enemy_interact ( Enemy * enemy,
EvtScript * interactScriptBytecode )

Binds the specified interact script to the specified enemy.

enemypointer to the enemy to bind the script to
interactScriptBytecodepointer to the script to be bound.

Definition at line 2469 of file npc.c.

2469 {
2470 Evt* interactScript;
2471 s32 id;
2473 if (enemy->interactScript != NULL) {
2475 }
2476 enemy->interactBytecode = interactScriptBytecode;
2477 interactScript = enemy->interactScript = start_script(interactScriptBytecode, EVT_PRIORITY_A, 0);
2478 id = enemy->interactScriptID = interactScript->id;
2479 interactScript->owner1.enemy = enemy;
2480 return id;

Referenced by bind_npc_interact().

◆ bind_npc_ai()

void bind_npc_ai ( s32 npcID,
EvtScript * npcAiBytecode )

Binds the specified ai script to the npc matching the specified npcId.

npcIDID of the desired npc
npcAiBytecodepointer to the script to be bound.

Definition at line 2483 of file npc.c.

2483 {
2484 EncounterStatus* currentEncounterStatus = &gCurrentEncounter;
2485 s32 i;
2486 s32 j;
2488 for (i = 0; i < currentEncounterStatus->numEncounters; i++) {
2489 Encounter* currentEncounter = currentEncounterStatus->encounterList[i];
2490 if (currentEncounter != NULL) {
2491 for (j = 0; j < currentEncounter->count; j++) {
2492 Enemy* currentEnemy = currentEncounter->enemy[j];
2493 if ((currentEnemy != NULL) && (currentEnemy->npcID == npcID)) {
2494 bind_enemy_ai(currentEnemy, npcAiBytecode);
2495 break;
2496 }
2497 }
2498 }
2499 }
s32 bind_enemy_ai(Enemy *enemy, EvtScript *aiScriptBytecode)
Binds the specified ai script to the specified enemy.
Definition npc.c:2441

◆ bind_npc_aux()

void bind_npc_aux ( s32 npcID,
EvtScript * npcAuxBytecode )

Binds the specified auxillary script to the npc matching the specified npcId.

npcIDID of the desired npc
npcAuxBytecodepointer to the script to be bound.

Definition at line 2502 of file npc.c.

2502 {
2503 EncounterStatus* currentEncounterStatus = &gCurrentEncounter;
2504 s32 i;
2505 s32 j;
2507 for (i = 0; i < currentEncounterStatus->numEncounters; i++) {
2508 Encounter* currentEncounter = currentEncounterStatus->encounterList[i];
2509 if (currentEncounter != NULL) {
2510 for (j = 0; j < currentEncounter->count; j++) {
2511 Enemy* currentEnemy = currentEncounter->enemy[j];
2512 if ((currentEnemy != NULL) && (currentEnemy->npcID == npcID)) {
2513 bind_enemy_aux(currentEnemy, npcAuxBytecode);
2514 break;
2515 }
2516 }
2517 }
2518 }
s32 bind_enemy_aux(Enemy *enemy, EvtScript *auxScriptBytecode)
Binds the specified auxillary script to the specified enemy.
Definition npc.c:2455

◆ bind_npc_interact()

void bind_npc_interact ( s32 npcID,
EvtScript * npcInteractBytecode )

Binds the specified interact script to the npc matching the specified npcId.

npcIDID of the desired npc
npcInteractBytecodepointer to the script to be bound.

Definition at line 2521 of file npc.c.

2521 {
2522 EncounterStatus* currentEncounterStatus = &gCurrentEncounter;
2523 s32 i;
2524 s32 j;
2526 for (i = 0; i < currentEncounterStatus->numEncounters; i++) {
2527 Encounter* currentEncounter = currentEncounterStatus->encounterList[i];
2528 if (currentEncounter != NULL) {
2529 for (j = 0; j < currentEncounter->count; j++) {
2530 Enemy* currentEnemy = currentEncounter->enemy[j];
2531 if ((currentEnemy != NULL) && (currentEnemy->npcID == npcID)) {
2532 bind_enemy_interact(currentEnemy, npcInteractBytecode);
2533 break;
2534 }
2535 }
2536 }
2537 }
s32 bind_enemy_interact(Enemy *enemy, EvtScript *interactScriptBytecode)
Binds the specified interact script to the specified enemy.
Definition npc.c:2469

◆ get_enemy()

Enemy * get_enemy ( s32 npcID)

Looks for an enemy matching the specified npcID.

npcIDID of the npc bound to the desired enemy.
pointer to Enemy struct, if one is found. If one is not found, a panic occurs.

Definition at line 2540 of file npc.c.

2540 {
2541 EncounterStatus* currentEncounterStatus = &gCurrentEncounter;
2542 s32 i;
2543 s32 j;
2545 for (i = 0; i < currentEncounterStatus->numEncounters; i++) {
2546 Encounter* currentEncounter = currentEncounterStatus->encounterList[i];
2547 if (currentEncounter != NULL) {
2548 for (j = 0; j < currentEncounter->count; j++) {
2549 Enemy* currentEnemy = currentEncounter->enemy[j];
2550 if ((currentEnemy != NULL) && (currentEnemy->npcID == npcID)) {
2551 return currentEnemy;
2552 }
2553 }
2554 }
2555 }
2556 PANIC();
#define PANIC()
Definition macros.h:55

Referenced by ai_enemy_play_sound(), FlyingMagikoopaAI_23(), LakituAI_GetAvailableSpiny(), MagikoopaAI_23(), MagikoopaAI_CanShootSpell(), MeleeHitbox_CanSeePlayer(), ProjectileHitbox_30(), ProjectileHitbox_32(), ProjectileHitbox_GetUsableProjectileID(), SentinelAI_DescendInit(), set_npc_animation(), and UnkNpcAIFunc48().

◆ get_enemy_safe()

Enemy * get_enemy_safe ( s32 npcID)

Same as get_enemy(), with the exception of always returning a value if an enemy is not found.

npcIDID of the npc bound to the desired enemy.
pointer to Enemy struct, if one is found. Otherwise, NULL.

Definition at line 2559 of file npc.c.

2559 {
2560 EncounterStatus* currentEncounterStatus = &gCurrentEncounter;
2561 s32 i;
2562 s32 j;
2564 for (i = 0; i < currentEncounterStatus->numEncounters; i++) {
2565 Encounter* currentEncounter = currentEncounterStatus->encounterList[i];
2567 if (currentEncounter != NULL) {
2568 for (j = 0; j < currentEncounter->count; j++) {
2569 Enemy* currentEnemy = currentEncounter->enemy[j];
2570 if ((currentEnemy != NULL) && (currentEnemy->npcID == npcID)) {
2571 return currentEnemy;
2572 }
2573 }
2574 }
2575 }
2576 return NULL;

◆ set_npc_sprite()

void set_npc_sprite ( Npc * npc,
s32 anim,
AnimID * extraAnimList )

Definition at line 1048 of file npc.c.

1048 {
1051 npc->extraAnimList = extraAnimList;
1053 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE)) {
1054 npc->spriteInstanceID = spr_load_npc_sprite(anim, extraAnimList);
1055 ASSERT(npc->spriteInstanceID >= 0);
1056 }
1058 npc->curAnim = anim;
1060 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_NO_ANIMS_LOADED)) {
1061 if (!(npc->flags & NPC_FLAG_HAS_NO_SPRITE)) {
1063 }
1064 }

Variable Documentation

◆ gCurrentEncounter