5#include "sprite/player.h"
7API_CALLABLE(N(SpawnStarSparkleFX)) {
17API_CALLABLE(N(SpawnWishSparkleFX)) {
23 fx_stars_shimmer(5, x, y, z, 50.0f, 50.0f, 40, 30);
27API_CALLABLE(N(SpawnStarSpiritArriveFX)) {
37API_CALLABLE(N(SpawnStarSpiritDepartFX)) {
43 fx_misc_particles(4, x, y, z, 20.0f, 20.0f, 1.0f, 10, 15);
49API_CALLABLE(N(FadeBackgroundDarkenForBeam)) {
54 script->functionTemp[0] = 0;
58 script->functionTemp[0] += 10;
60 if (script->functionTemp[0] >= 230) {
70API_CALLABLE(N(SetPartnerWishAnim)) {
81API_CALLABLE(N(SetStarSpiritSize)) {
89EvtScript N(EVS_StarPower_WishForSpirit) = {
99 Call(PlayerRunToGoal, 0)
144EvtScript N(EVS_StarPower_WishForBeam) = {
154 Call(PlayerRunToGoal, 0)
160 Call(N(FadeBackgroundDarkenForBeam))
185 Call(N(FadeBackgroundDarkenForBeam))
199EvtScript N(EVS_StarPower_SpiritSummoned) = {
201 Call(SetForegroundModelsVisible, FALSE)
203 Call(MoveBattleCamOver, 1)
206 Call(N(SetStarSpiritSize))
210 Call(N(SpawnStarSpiritArriveFX), -75, 167, 0)
228 Call(SetForegroundModelsVisible, TRUE)
233EvtScript N(EVS_StarPower_SpiritDeparts) = {
312 Call(PlayerRunToGoal, 0)
s32 evt_get_variable(Evt *script, Bytecode var)
void mdl_set_all_tint_type(s32)
void set_actor_anim(s32 actorID, s32 partID, AnimID animID)
void mdl_set_shroud_tint_params(u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 a)
Npc * get_npc_unsafe(s32 npcID)
ApiStatus PlaySound(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus FadeBackgroundLighten(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus DeleteNpc(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus UpdateLerp(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus GetNpcPos(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus SetNpcDecoration(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus SetNpcRotation(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus FadeBackgroundDarken(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus CreateNpc(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus SetNpcPos(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus MakeLerp(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus SetNpcFlagBits(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus EnableNpcBlur(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus NpcFlyTo(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
#define Else
Marks the end of an if statement and the start of the else block.
#define Set(VAR, INT_VALUE)
Sets the given variable to a given value casted to an integer.
#define End
Signals the end of EVT script data. A script missing this will likely crash on load.
#define Add(VAR, INT_VALUE)
#define EndLoop
Marks the end of a loop.
#define EndIf
Marks the end of an if statement or an else block.
#define BreakLoop
Breaks out of the innermost loop.
#define Thread
Marks the start of a thread block.
#define EndThread
Marks the end of a thread block.
#define Wait(NUM_FRAMES)
Blocks for the given number of frames.
#define IfEq(LVAR, RVAR)
Marks the beginning of an if statement that only executes if LVAR == RVAR.
#define Call(FUNC, ARGS...)
Calls a given C EVT API function with any number of arguments.
#define Loop(TIMES)
Marks the beginning of a loop.
#define Return
Kills the current EVT thread.
u8 * gBackgroundTintModePtr