3#include "sprite/npc/Whacka.h"
5#define NAMESPACE A(whacka)
22s32 N(DefaultAnims)[] = {
35s32 N(DefenseTable)[] = {
40s32 N(StatusTable)[] = {
69 .posOffset = { 0, 0, 0 },
70 .targetOffset = { 0, 30 },
72 .idleAnimations = N(DefaultAnims),
73 .defenseTable = N(DefenseTable),
75 .elementImmunityFlags = 0,
76 .projectileTargetOffset = { 0, -5 },
86 .partsData = N(ActorParts),
87 .initScript = &N(EVS_Init),
88 .statusTable = N(StatusTable),
95 .powerBounceChance = 50,
98 .healthBarOffset = { 0, 0 },
99 .statusIconOffset = { -20, 40 },
100 .statusTextOffset = { 10, 30 },
103API_CALLABLE(N(IsHitEightTimes)) {
104 script->varTable[0] = 0;
106 script->varTable[0] = 1;
117 Call(N(IsHitEightTimes))
Actor is not rendered.
Hide shadow.
Damage is not applied to actor HP.
Skip attack turn.
Cannot be targeted.
s32 evt_get_variable(Evt *script, Bytecode var)
EvtScript EVS_Enemy_ReturnHome
EvtScript EVS_Enemy_Knockback
EvtScript EVS_Enemy_ScareAway
EvtScript EVS_Enemy_Death
EvtScript EVS_Enemy_SpinSmashHit
EvtScript EVS_Enemy_ShockHit
EvtScript EVS_Enemy_AirLift
EvtScript EVS_Enemy_BlowAway
EvtScript EVS_Enemy_Recover
EvtScript EVS_Enemy_NoDamageHit
@ GB_IWA00_Whacka_HitCount
ApiStatus MakeItemEntity(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus RandInt(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
#define Else
Marks the end of an if statement and the start of the else block.
#define Switch(LVAR)
Marks the start of a switch statement.
#define Ref(sym)
Address/pointer constant.
#define IfGe(LVAR, RVAR)
Marks the beginning of an if statement that only executes if LVAR >= RVAR.
#define CaseEq(RVAR)
Marks the start of a switch case that executes only if LVAR == RVAR. It also marks the end of any pre...
#define IfNe(LVAR, RVAR)
Marks the beginning of an if statement that only executes if LVAR != RVAR.
#define End
Signals the end of EVT script data. A script missing this will likely crash on load.
#define Add(VAR, INT_VALUE)
#define Goto(LABEL_ID)
Moves execution to the given label.
#define Label(LABEL_ID)
Marks this point in the script as a Goto target.
#define EndIf
Marks the end of an if statement or an else block.
#define CaseDefault
Marks the start of a switch case that executes unconditionally. It also marks the end of any previous...
#define ExecWait(EVT_SOURCE)
Launches a new child thread.
#define IfLe(LVAR, RVAR)
Marks the beginning of an if statement that only executes if LVAR > RVAR.
#define Thread
Marks the start of a thread block.
#define EndThread
Marks the end of a thread block.
#define Wait(NUM_FRAMES)
Blocks for the given number of frames.
#define EndSwitch
Marks the end of a switch statement and any case.
#define IfEq(LVAR, RVAR)
Marks the beginning of an if statement that only executes if LVAR == RVAR.
#define Call(FUNC, ARGS...)
Calls a given C EVT API function with any number of arguments.
#define SetConst(VAR, CONST)
Sets the given variable to a given value, skipping the evt_get_variable call.
#define Return
Kills the current EVT thread.