4#define NAMESPACE A(flo_04)
25#include "common/MakeSun.inc.c"
31 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
33 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
35 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
37 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
39 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
42 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
44 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
47 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
49 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
52 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
54 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
56 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
59 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
61 Exec(N(EVS_AnimateCloud))
77s32 N(ForegroundModels)[] = {
86 .shape =
87 .hit =
89 .preBattle = &N(EVS_PreBattle),
90 .postBattle = &N(EVS_PostBattle),
91 .foregroundModelList = N(ForegroundModels),
ApiStatus SetSpriteShading(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus EnableModel(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
Enables or disables the given model.
ApiStatus TranslateModel(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
Translates the given model's position.
ApiStatus ScaleModel(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
Scales the model the given amount along the selected axis.
ApiStatus SetCamBGColor(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
ApiStatus ParentColliderToModel(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
Associates a model with a collider and applies the model's transformation.
ApiStatus CloneModel(Evt *script, b32 isInitialCall)
Clones the given model.
#define IfGe(LVAR, RVAR)
Marks the beginning of an if statement that only executes if LVAR >= RVAR.
#define Set(VAR, INT_VALUE)
Sets the given variable to a given value casted to an integer.
#define End
Signals the end of EVT script data. A script missing this will likely crash on load.
#define Add(VAR, INT_VALUE)
#define EndLoop
Marks the end of a loop.
#define EndIf
Marks the end of an if statement or an else block.
#define ExecWait(EVT_SOURCE)
Launches a new child thread.
#define Thread
Marks the start of a thread block.
#define EndThread
Marks the end of a thread block.
#define Wait(NUM_FRAMES)
Blocks for the given number of frames.
#define Call(FUNC, ARGS...)
Calls a given C EVT API function with any number of arguments.
#define Loop(TIMES)
Marks the beginning of a loop.
#define Exec(EVT_SOURCE)
Launches a new thread.
#define Return
Kills the current EVT thread.
#define CLONED_MODEL(idx)