Paper Mario DX
Paper Mario (N64) modding
No Matches
Camera Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Definition at line 748 of file common_structs.h.

#include "common_structs.h"

Data Fields

u16 flags
s16 moveFlags
s16 updateMode
b16 needsInit
b16 needsReinit
s16 viewportW
s16 viewportH
s16 viewportStartX
s16 viewportStartY
s16 nearClip
s16 farClip
f32 vfov
union { 
   struct { 
s16 zoomPercent
   } world 
   struct { 
s16 dist
s16 offsetY
s16 pitch
s16 yaw
s16 fovScale
s16 zoomPercent
b16 skipRecalc
   } basic 
   struct { 
s16 dist
s16 offsetY
s16 pitch
s16 yaw
   } interp 
   struct { 
s16 dist
s16 offsetY
s16 pitch
s16 minRadius
   } radial 
   struct { 
s16 dist
s16 offsetY
s16 xLimit
s16 zLimit
   } confined 
s16 bgColor [3]
Vec3s targetScreenCoords
u16 perspNorm
Vec3f lookAt_eye
Vec3f lookAt_obj
Vec3f lookAt_obj_target
Vec3f targetPos
f32 curYaw
f32 interpYaw
f32 curBoomLength
f32 curBoomPitch
f32 curBoomYaw
f32 targetOffsetY
f32 targetBoomYaw
f32 lookAt_yaw
f32 lookAt_pitch
Vp vp
Vp vpAlt
Matrix4f mtxPerspective
Matrix4f mtxViewPlayer
Matrix4f mtxViewLeading
Matrix4f mtxViewShaking
void(* fpDoPreRender )(struct Camera *)
void(* fpDoPostRender )(struct Camera *)
Mtx * mtxBillboard
CameraRig prevRig
CameraRig nextRig
f32 interpAlpha
f32 linearInterp
f32 linearInterpRate
f32 moveSpeed
f32 yinterpGoal
f32 yinterpAlpha
f32 yinterpRate
f32 yinterpCur
Vec3f prevTargetPos
Vec3f movePos
Vec3f prevMovePos
Vec3f prevPrevMovePos
CameraControlSettings overrideSettings
b16 useOverrideSettings
b16 prevUseOverride
b16 prevPrevUseOverride
b16 panActive
f32 interpEasingParameter
f32 leadAmount
f32 targetLeadAmount
f32 leadInterpAlpha
f32 accumulatedStickLead
s32 increasingLeadInterp
f32 leadAmtScale
f32 prevLeadPosX
f32 prevLeadPosZ
s32 leadConstrainDir
b32 needsInitialConstrainDir
f32 unusedLeadAmt
s16 unusedLeadCounter
s16 unusedLeadDir

Field Documentation

◆ flags

◆ moveFlags

◆ updateMode

◆ needsInit

◆ needsReinit

b16 Camera::needsReinit

◆ viewportW

◆ viewportH

◆ viewportStartX

◆ viewportStartY

◆ nearClip

◆ farClip

◆ vfov

◆ [union]

◆ bgColor

◆ targetScreenCoords

Vec3s Camera::targetScreenCoords

Definition at line 794 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by calculate_camera_yinterp_rate(), and update_cameras().

◆ perspNorm

◆ lookAt_eye

◆ lookAt_obj

◆ lookAt_obj_target

◆ targetPos

◆ curYaw

f32 Camera::curYaw

Definition at line 800 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by action_update_parasol(), action_update_spin(), action_update_tornado_jump(), appendGfx_interact_prompt(), appendGfx_player(), appendGfx_player_spin(), appendGfx_speech_bubble(), apply_constraints_to_lead_amount(), can_dismount(), check_conversation_trigger(), CleftAI_CanSeePlayer(), collision_main_above(), collision_main_lateral(), draw_all_status_icons(), entity_BlueWarpPipe_enter_pipe_init(), entity_PinkFlowerLight_idle(), entity_Tweester_idle(), firework_rocket_appendGfx(), func_800E4AD8(), func_800E4B40(), func_E0112330(), func_E01166E8(), imgfx_appendGfx_mesh(), initialize_next_camera(), interact_inspect_setup(), interact_speech_setup(), MagikoopaAI_CanShootSpell(), MeleeHitbox_CanSeePlayer(), npc_get_render_yaw(), offset_player_from_camera(), partner_do_player_collision(), partner_flying_follow_player(), partner_get_out(), peach_disguise_check_overlaps(), phys_check_interactable_collision(), player_get_camera_facing_angle(), player_update_sprite(), ProjectileHitbox_GetUsableProjectileID(), Quizmo_NPC_OnRender(), set_camera_from_rig(), shape_spell_appendGfx(), spawn_drops(), spr_draw_npc_sprite(), star_main(), sync_held_position(), sync_player_position(), test_item_player_collision(), update_camera_interp_pos(), update_camera_minimal(), update_camera_no_interp(), update_camera_unused_ahead(), update_camera_unused_confined(), update_camera_unused_leading(), update_camera_unused_radial(), update_encounters_neutral(), update_entities(), update_nonplayer_actor_shadow(), update_player_actor_shadow(), update_player_shadow(), and update_shadows().

◆ interpYaw

f32 Camera::interpYaw

◆ curBoomLength

◆ curBoomPitch

◆ curBoomYaw

◆ targetOffsetY

◆ targetBoomYaw

f32 Camera::targetBoomYaw

Definition at line 806 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by initialize_next_camera(), and update_camera_unused_radial().

◆ lookAt_yaw

◆ lookAt_pitch

◆ vp

◆ vpAlt

Vp Camera::vpAlt

◆ mtxPerspective

◆ mtxViewPlayer

Matrix4f Camera::mtxViewPlayer

Definition at line 812 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by apply_constraints_to_lead_amount(), and update_cameras().

◆ mtxViewLeading

Matrix4f Camera::mtxViewLeading

Definition at line 813 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by create_camera_leadplayer_matrix(), and update_cameras().

◆ mtxViewShaking

Matrix4f Camera::mtxViewShaking

Definition at line 814 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_cameras().

◆ fpDoPreRender

void(* Camera::fpDoPreRender) (struct Camera *)

Definition at line 815 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by initialize_battle(), initialize_next_camera(), and render_frame().

◆ fpDoPostRender

void(* Camera::fpDoPostRender) (struct Camera *)

Definition at line 816 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by initialize_battle(), initialize_next_camera(), and render_frame().

◆ mtxBillboard

◆ prevSettings

CameraControlSettings* Camera::prevSettings

Definition at line 818 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ curSettings

CameraControlSettings* Camera::curSettings

Definition at line 819 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_lead_amount(), and update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ prevRig

CameraRig Camera::prevRig

Definition at line 820 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by get_maximum_interp_delta(), and update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ nextRig

CameraRig Camera::nextRig

Definition at line 821 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by get_maximum_interp_delta(), and update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ interpAlpha

f32 Camera::interpAlpha

Definition at line 822 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ linearInterp

f32 Camera::linearInterp

Definition at line 823 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ linearInterpRate

f32 Camera::linearInterpRate

Definition at line 824 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ moveSpeed

f32 Camera::moveSpeed

Definition at line 825 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by initialize_next_camera(), and update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ yinterpGoal

f32 Camera::yinterpGoal

Definition at line 826 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by interp_camera_y_position(), and update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ yinterpAlpha

f32 Camera::yinterpAlpha

Definition at line 827 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by interp_camera_y_position(), and update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ yinterpRate

f32 Camera::yinterpRate

Definition at line 828 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by calculate_camera_yinterp_rate(), and interp_camera_y_position().

◆ yinterpCur

f32 Camera::yinterpCur

Definition at line 829 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by interp_camera_y_position(), and update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ prevTargetPos

Vec3f Camera::prevTargetPos

Definition at line 830 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ movePos

Vec3f Camera::movePos

Definition at line 831 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ prevMovePos

Vec3f Camera::prevMovePos

Definition at line 832 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ prevPrevMovePos

Vec3f Camera::prevPrevMovePos

Definition at line 833 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ overrideSettings

CameraControlSettings Camera::overrideSettings

Definition at line 834 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ useOverrideSettings

b16 Camera::useOverrideSettings

Definition at line 835 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by initialize_next_camera(), and update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ prevUseOverride

b16 Camera::prevUseOverride

Definition at line 836 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ prevPrevUseOverride

b16 Camera::prevPrevUseOverride

Definition at line 837 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ panActive

b16 Camera::panActive

Definition at line 838 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by initialize_next_camera(), and update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ interpEasingParameter

f32 Camera::interpEasingParameter

Definition at line 839 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_zone_interp().

◆ leadAmount

◆ targetLeadAmount

f32 Camera::targetLeadAmount

Definition at line 841 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by initialize_next_camera(), and update_camera_lead_amount().

◆ leadInterpAlpha

f32 Camera::leadInterpAlpha

◆ accumulatedStickLead

f32 Camera::accumulatedStickLead

Definition at line 843 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by initialize_next_camera(), and update_camera_lead_amount().

◆ increasingLeadInterp

s32 Camera::increasingLeadInterp

Definition at line 844 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by initialize_next_camera(), and update_camera_lead_amount().

◆ leadAmtScale

f32 Camera::leadAmtScale

Definition at line 845 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by create_camera_leadplayer_matrix(), and initialize_next_camera().

◆ prevLeadPosX

f32 Camera::prevLeadPosX

Definition at line 846 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by apply_constraints_to_lead_amount(), and initialize_next_camera().

◆ prevLeadPosZ

f32 Camera::prevLeadPosZ

Definition at line 847 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by apply_constraints_to_lead_amount(), and initialize_next_camera().

◆ leadConstrainDir

s32 Camera::leadConstrainDir

Definition at line 848 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by apply_constraints_to_lead_amount(), and initialize_next_camera().

◆ needsInitialConstrainDir

b32 Camera::needsInitialConstrainDir

Definition at line 849 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by apply_constraints_to_lead_amount(), and initialize_next_camera().

◆ prevLeadSettings

CameraControlSettings* Camera::prevLeadSettings

Definition at line 850 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by apply_constraints_to_lead_amount(), and initialize_next_camera().

◆ unusedLeadAmt

f32 Camera::unusedLeadAmt

Definition at line 851 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_unused_leading(), and update_unused_lead_amt().

◆ unusedLeadCounter

s16 Camera::unusedLeadCounter

Definition at line 852 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_camera_unused_leading(), and update_unused_lead_amt().

◆ unusedLeadDir

s16 Camera::unusedLeadDir

Definition at line 853 of file common_structs.h.

Referenced by update_unused_lead_amt().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: